Archive for February, 2019

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Many thanks to Doug and Steve Bannister! George Bernard Shaw wrote that "If you teach a man anything he will never learn". He meant that one must learn for oneself. I would have thought that the slightest chance of a second industrial revolution should be pursued with all despatch, using Naval language. The dogmatist who goes through a career regurgitated half learnt dogma will sink with the rest of us. They would be most to blame. I also think that Horst’s contributions are very important, and always inductive, in that every new idea is checked carefully and developed with accuracy, the inductive method illustrated with important graphics. The entire AIAS / UPITEC group has made important contributions and has made its lasting mark on history. The feedback shows that with great accuracy over sixteen years. There are only a very few enlightened minds in any era, most of humankind would happily destroy all the forests of the world and let the starving masses eat cake.

I too Steve shake my finger at the entire physics community. Thity years….has it rally been that long. Once again industry (inventors and technicians) are pushing the envelop whereas the educated institutions (so called) are still dragging their feet. It took the better part of a career for me, and a couple of open minded scientists named Myron and Horst, to get rid of the fence or box that education provided. To the young, challenge the fences and tear them down. Your teachers are quite likely wrong.


On Feb 28, 2019, at 12:11 AM, Myron Evans <myronevans123> wrote:

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Many thanks indeed to Steve Bannister! MIT staff and students frequently consult and the fact that the LENR conference is taking place at MIT means that LENR has arrived center (centre) stage. The State and University of Utah takes full credit. MIT is frequently in the world’s top three universities, often number one in the world. The State of Utah could reopen a LENR Institute in the University of Utah.

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Hello Myron,

Incredible work, but I do believe. Sometimes I have to shake my head over morning coffee to make sure I am reading what I am reading.

I just found this youtube of the Fleischmann and Pons news conference; it’s long but so much history:

Next month is the 30th anniversary of the news conference. MIT is holding a special LENR/LANR conference to memorialize.

Many thanks for helping to forge the future.


Stephen C. Bannister, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Economics Director, MIAGE Associate Director, Economic Evaluation Unit, Macroeconomics University of Utah Open calendar at:

On 2/27/2019 7:32 AM, Myron Evans wrote:

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

I too Steve shake my finger at the entire physics community. Thity years….has it rally been that long. Once again industry (inventors and technicians) are pushing the envelop whereas the educated institutions (so called) are still dragging their feet. It took the better part of a career for me, and a couple of open minded scientists named Myron and Horst, to get rid of the fence or box that education provided. To the young, challenge the fences and tear them down. Your teachers are quite likely wrong.


On Feb 28, 2019, at 12:11 AM, Myron Evans <myronevans123> wrote:

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Many thanks indeed to Steve Bannister! MIT staff and students frequently consult and the fact that the LENR conference is taking place at MIT means that LENR has arrived center (centre) stage. The State and University of Utah takes full credit. MIT is frequently in the world’s top three universities, often number one in the world. The State of Utah could reopen a LENR Institute in the University of Utah.

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Hello Myron,

Incredible work, but I do believe. Sometimes I have to shake my head over morning coffee to make sure I am reading what I am reading.

I just found this youtube of the Fleischmann and Pons news conference; it’s long but so much history:

Next month is the 30th anniversary of the news conference. MIT is holding a special LENR/LANR conference to memorialize.

Many thanks for helping to forge the future.


Stephen C. Bannister, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Economics Director, MIAGE Associate Director, Economic Evaluation Unit, Macroeconomics University of Utah Open calendar at:

On 2/27/2019 7:32 AM, Myron Evans wrote:

Fwd: Fwd: Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Many thanks indeed to Steve Bannister! MIT staff and students frequently consult and the fact that the LENR conference is taking place at MIT means that LENR has arrived center (centre) stage. The State and University of Utah takes full credit. MIT is frequently in the world’s top three universities, often number one in the world. The State of Utah could reopen a LENR Institute in the University of Utah.

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Hello Myron,

Incredible work, but I do believe. Sometimes I have to shake my head over morning coffee to make sure I am reading what I am reading.

I just found this youtube of the Fleischmann and Pons news conference; it’s long but so much history:

Next month is the 30th anniversary of the news conference. MIT is holding a special LENR/LANR conference to memorialize.

Many thanks for helping to forge the future.


Stephen C. Bannister, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Economics Director, MIAGE Associate Director, Economic Evaluation Unit, Macroeconomics University of Utah Open calendar at:

On 2/27/2019 7:32 AM, Myron Evans wrote:

Fwd: Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Thanks for this check, as you know equation (31) contains many terms, in direct analogy with the semi classical theory of the interaction of the electron with an electromagnetic field developed in many UFT papers. Eq. (31) is the semi classical interaction of the proton with the strong field. The pion momentum k is analogous to eA where A is the vector potential. Eq (33) is the proton term, and is the first of many terms to be considered. The pion terms are due to be considered at a later stage. Eq. (33) already produces energy levels, and these are different masses through the traditional mass energy equivalence used in the old physics, m = E / c squared. This is modified in m theory to m = E /(m(r) half c squared). So the term (33) already produces several masses, in particle physics mass is usually measured in electron volts, i.e. in terms of energy. In a collider in which a proton collides with a neutron, these masses or energies would be products of the collision. Similar reasoning holds for low energy nuclear reactions between a proton and a neutron. As you know, Dirac considered the interaction of an electron with a magnetic field represented by the classical vector potential. This procedure produces the g factor of the electron, spin orbit interaction theory, and electron spin resonance, the Darwin term and higher order terms. To consider the interaction of an electron with another electron, the process is mediated by a classical, radiated electromagnetic field, radiated from the transmitter, and arriving at the receiver. The semi classical theory of this note can be considered to describe the classical electromagnetic field interacting with the receiver modelled as a Dirac electron. In quantum field theory the electromagnetic field is also quantized into photons, so the interaction between two electrons is mediated by a photon. In the old physics the photon was a virtual photon, but in m theory it is a real photon. So p can be interpreted as the electron and q the photon momentum. Total energy and momentum are conserved. The transmitter loses photon momentum q, and the receiver gains photon momentum q. So p1 + p2 = p3 +p4, where p3 = p1 – k, p4 = p2 + k. The same equation applies to the interaction between proton and neutron mediated by the m force, which quantizes to the pions. There are three pions with three different energy levels. The general theory of this process was first developed in UFT248 with Doug Lindstrom. So that paper can be generalized to m theory and dealt with any number of products of collision or low energy nuclear interaction. It becomes clear that teh semi classical theory can describe any products of an atom smasher or LENR. In the first instance consider the free particle Schroedinger quantization and apply m theory to it and extra energy levels appear as you showed in the Lamb shift calculation with m theory.

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

In eq.(33) the contributions of bold k have been neglected. How can this equation then relate to the pion? It seems to relate to the neutron or proton. Eq. (35) is the same as we have already used for the Lamb shift.


Am 26.02.2019 um 08:07 schrieb Myron Evans:

Final Version of Note 432(3) on the m theory of lattice forces.

Wednesday, February 27th, 2019


432(3) : Equating the m force to the Born Lande Lattice Force

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019

432(3) : Equating the m force to the Born Lande Lattice Force

Thanks again. Agreed, it should be r squared on the right hand side of Eqs. (7), (9), (13) and (16).
432(3) : Equating the m force to the Born Lande Lattice Force

What did you equate in eq. (6)? The lhs is the potential from (1) and the rhs is the force from (6). Did you mean the force of (3)? Then it should read r squared on the rhs of (7).


Am 22.02.2019 um 14:11 schrieb Myron Evans:

432(3) : Equating the m force to the Born Lande Lattice Force

In this first approach to the m theory of lattices, the m force is equated to the Born Lande force, producing the differential equation (16). This is a modified resonance condition. This equation looks simple enough to be soluble on a computer. The problem being considered is a Born Lande lattice immersed in hydrogen gas (protons), and the condition is sought when p can enter the lattice and overcome the Coulomb barrier. A model is used with the sodium chloride lattice, but the nucleus can also be modeled by a lattice. The Nobel Laureate Ken Wilson used to do a lot of work like this at the Cornell Theory Center, which he founded. So this is another way of understanding low energy nuclear reactions.

Fwd: Note 432(2)

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Note 432(2)

Agreed, this is a good summary by Horst of the new and ubiquitous, or all pervading, m force of physics.

You are right, the m force is a geometrical force appearing additionally to conventional forces. For each particle the force is determined by the distance to its own origin, insofar it is a one-body force. Adding up two forces of two particles would mean using two distinct radial coordinates, but since these coordinates both describe the distance, their value is the same for both particles, therefore addition is justified.


Am 22.02.2019 um 07:50 schrieb Myron Evans:

Note 432(2)

These are interesting remarks. The m force was introduced in UFT417, as you know, in the context of gravitation from the Euler Lagrange system of dynamics. With respect to Eq. (11) of UFT417 the total force is expressed in the (r1, phi) frame on the right hand side of this equation as the sum of the two body force -mMG / r1 squared e sub r and the m force, which is a ONE body force because it contains only m. Therefore as discussed in immediately preceding papers any particle of mass m is accompanied by an ubiquitous attractive force F = – (1/2) m c squared gamma dm(r1) / dr1. This is the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (11) of UFT417. The m force as you know is the result of the geometry of space itself, and this is a radically new concept in physics that has already led to many new results in UFT415 to UFT431. A lot of these were your own inferences. There is already a lot of interest in these results as the feedback shows. In UFT427 the m force was rederived using the Hamilton system of dynamics, and the result is Eq. (1) of Note 432(2). It is seen that the m force is not due to the interaction between two masses, it is a new type of force that results from the geometry of space. Each particle m generates its own m force, which is a vector quantity. So the net force is the vector sum of the force generated by m1 and the force generated by m2. In general, the net force in physics is the vector SUM of force F1 and force F2. So in this note I consider the net m force of a proton and a Ni(64) nucleus and the net force inside the nucleus. The net m force inside the nucleus is in general the vector sum of all the m forces of the proton and neutrons inside the nucleus. This leads to a new nuclear physics developed in terms of m(r) and dm(r) / dr for each neutron and proton. Concerning the question about units, I agree that there should be 4 pi eps0 in the denominator. The repulsive force inside the nucleus was first used in Eq. (29) of UFT229. This was taken uncritically from a wikipedia article. The wikipedia article uses reduced units, a bad habit of the standard model, and the Wikipedia article omitted 4 p eps0. You are right to point out that S. I. units need 4 pi eps0 in the denominator. So one should google around to find the net repulsive force inside the nucleus in S. I. units. Great care is needed in using wikipedia. Every time I consult it there is an error. It is a propagandist outlet for standard physics and is completely intolerant of any really new ideas. It is riddled with errors.

Note 432(2)

A question: where did you find the formulla (17) for the potential energy of a sphere? I did not find it in Jackson. Is there a factor 1/4 pi eps0 missing?


Am 20.02.2019 um 14:30 schrieb Myron Evans:

Note 432(2)

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Note 432(2)

These are interesting remarks. The m force was introduced in UFT417, as you know, in the context of gravitation from the Euler Lagrange system of dynamics. With respect to Eq. (11) of UFT417 the total force is expressed in the (r1, phi) frame on the right hand side of this equation as the sum of the two body force -mMG / r1 squared e sub r and the m force, which is a ONE body force because it contains only m. Therefore as discussed in immediately preceding papers any particle of mass m is accompanied by an ubiquitous attractive force F = – (1/2) m c squared gamma dm(r1) / dr1. This is the first term on the right hand side of Eq. (11) of UFT417. The m force as you know is the result of the geometry of space itself, and this is a radically new concept in physics that has already led to many new results in UFT415 to UFT431. A lot of these were your own inferences. There is already a lot of interest in these results as the feedback shows. In UFT427 the m force was rederived using the Hamilton system of dynamics, and the result is Eq. (1) of Note 432(2). It is seen that the m force is not due to the interaction between two masses, it is a new type of force that results from the geometry of space. Each particle m generates its own m force, which is a vector quantity. So the net force is the vector sum of the force generated by m1 and the force generated by m2. In general, the net force in physics is the vector SUM of force F1 and force F2. So in this note I consider the net m force of a proton and a Ni(64) nucleus and the net force inside the nucleus. The net m force inside the nucleus is in general the vector sum of all the m forces of the proton and neutrons inside the nucleus. This leads to a new nuclear physics developed in terms of m(r) and dm(r) / dr for each neutron and proton. Concerning the question about units, I agree that there should be 4 pi eps0 in the denominator. The repulsive force inside the nucleus was first used in Eq. (29) of UFT229. This was taken uncritically from a wikipedia article. The wikipedia article uses reduced units, a bad habit of the standard model, and the Wikipedia article omitted 4 p eps0. You are right to point out that S. I. units need 4 pi eps0 in the denominator. So one should google around to find the net repulsive force inside the nucleus in S. I. units. Great care is needed in using wikipedia. Every time I consult it there is an error. It is a propagandist outlet for standard physics and is completely intolerant of any really new ideas. It is riddled with errors.

Note 432(2)

A question: where did you find the formulla (17) for the potential energy of a sphere? I did not find it in Jackson. Is there a factor 1/4 pi eps0 missing?


Am 20.02.2019 um 14:30 schrieb Myron Evans:

UFT 431,3, preliminary version

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

Thanks again! The well known Schroedinger quantization of the Yukawa potential in m space should result in extra structure in analogy with the procedure that led to the Lamb shift in previous work. I will look at this next.

UFT 431,3, preliminary version

To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

Thanks for the hint, in eq.(22) was a typo.


Am 19.02.2019 um 08:00 schrieb Myron Evans:

This is full of interest and an important and clear numerical and graphical demonstration of how low energy nuclear reactions can take place without having to accelerate protons with a Cockroft / Walton generator using 750,000 volts, or a heavy hadron collider. This section has all kinds of important results, and makes a first attempt at understanding how the space parameters m(r) and dm(r) / dr can be related to physical quantities such as surface thickness of the nucleus in a model potential such as the 1954 Woods Saxon potential also used in UFT226 ff. I have only one comment, In Eq. (22) it should be m(r) in the numerator and not m(r) power half. See for example Eq. (11) of UFT417, where the force is F sub 1 = – mMG / r1 squared + ……., where r1 = r / m(r) power half. Horst also succeeds in solving the differential equation at r = R for m(r) and dm(r) / dr of the Woods Saxon potential. Similarly there will be m(r) and dm(r) / dr parameters for any potential used for nuclear physics, notably the Yukawa potential, Reid potential and so on. Some numerical work along these lines has already been done for UFT432, Note (1).

This is the preliminary version of section 3 of UFT 331. I found some
force resonances for special functions m(r). I will add a section on the
solution of the nuclear wave equation. This will give hints how to
compute the mass spectrum of elementary particles.
