316(5): New Vector Equation del A x W = 0 from the Cartan Identity

This is obtained from the simple format (9) of the spacelike part of the Cartan identity first discovered in UFT254 and UFT255. With the new definition of the magnetic flux potential in Eq. (10) a new vector identity is discovered, Eq. (12). The tangent indices are removed as in Note 316(4) to give Eq. (16), a possible solution of which is A parallel to W, so their cross product is zero. Finally Eq. (23) assumes a duality between the magnetic flux vector potential W and the vector potential A, so W becomes the antisymmetric tensorial equivalent of the axial vector A in the tangent space of Cartan geometry. In this case W and A are parallel and equal. If duality is assumed the torsion and recently inferred curvature based ECE theories become equivalent. In general, the new vector identity is Eq. (16), the simplest format of the spacelike part of the Cartan identity. These calculations can now be repeated for the JCE identity.


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