415(1): The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of m Theory

415(1): The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of m Theory

These can be derived straightforwardly by calculating the Lorentz factor from the line element of m theory, Eq. (1). The orbit is obtained by solving the Euler Lagrange equations (13) and (14). The Euler Lagrange equations give the Leibniz equation of m theory, Eq. (29), and the conservation of angular momentum in m theory, Eq. (24). Eqs. (24) and (29) are solved numerically to give the relativistic orbit of m theory in the most general spherically symmetric space. The results should be consistent with previous work on m theory, for example UFT108, in which it was found that a shrinking orbit is given by Eq. (26). In UFT190 it was shown that the m function of ECE cosmology is Eq. (29). So ECE and ECE2 has gone far beyond the standard model in about seven hundred papers and books produced since 2003. ECE Schools of thought exist in essentially all the wold’s best universities.


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