The Conservation of Antisymmetry and Mapping the Vacuum

This is the most important advance of recent work (about UFT380 onwards). The conservation of antisymmetry puts a rigorous constraint on all of physics, and is a new law of physics. It shows that the old physics missed an entire landscape – the physics of the vacuum , spacetime, or aether. Many if not all of the standard model laws violate antisymmetry and the conservation of antisymmetry needs an ubiquitous interaction with the vacuum through the spin connection of ECE and ECE2 physics. This advance has been immeidately accpeted by the avant garde ECE School of Thought as we can see from the feedback to UFT380 onwards. Its practical implications are limited only by imagination. The circuit papers of UFT382 and UFT383 show how energy can be taken from spcetime (often known as the aether or vacuum). I will continue with UFT392 by showing that the Coulomb Law violates antisymmetry. It needs its doppelganger, (double or shadow) – the vacuum map. The doppelganger was used by Schubert in one of his most famous songs.

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