232(5): Points at which EGR is a Precessing Ellipse

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, November 23, 2012 4:42 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 232(5): Points at which EGR is a Precessing Ellipse

This note shows that the Einstein theory can only be a true precessing ellipse (3) at two points, both of which are well inside the earth’s orbit taken as an example. So the theory is absurd. It is shown that an Einstein type perturbation can only give a true precessing ellipse when there are an infinite number of terms in powers of u = 1 / r added to the right hand side of the Newtonian equation. So the only thing that can be deduced from perihelion precession is x. For the earth:

1 – x = 3.548 ten power – 8

The entire idea of testing a deviation form Newton by perihelion precession in planets of the solar system is absurd therefore. The precession is so small that x is for all practical purposes unity. Numerical integration of eqs. such as (33) of this note can be done, it will probably produce something that looks like a precessing ellipse for small perturbations, but simple algebra shows that the curve can never be a true precessing ellipse (3). In general the solution of equations such as (33) will be unstable, containing singularities and negative r solutions, and critically dependent on the choice of initial condition. In great contrast, the true precessing ellipse ((3) is a well behaved function for all x and theta giving the petal and fractal conical sections discovered recently by AIAS.


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