Note 409(6): The correct expression for Thomas precession

Note 409(6): The correct expression for Thomas precession

It is shown in this note that the well known invariance condition (11) of the ECE2 four rotation produces the ECE2 precession (8) with Newtonian velocity. This is a wholly new result that shows that the Lorentz factor can be derived by four rotation in two equivaklent ways, the Lorentz boost and the precession due to four rotation. It is shown that the correct theory of Thomas precession produces the result (23), which explains why a velocity greater than the Newtonian velocity is needed to describe binary pulsar and planetary precessions. The usual theory of the Thomas precession, using the de Sitter rotation (18) produces an incorrect result (28). This is another error of the standard model that has been repeated uncritically for nearly a century. It is proposed that the correct result (23) be applied to all planetary and binary pulsar precessions. It is already known from a recent note that a velocity greater than the Newtonian velocity is needed to describe the precession of the Hulse Taylor binary pulsar. Eq. (23) shows why. It is proposed that a radical paradigm shift is now necessary, the Einstein, de Sitter and Lense Thirring precessions must be discarded completely as obsolete, and the correct result (23) used from now on for all observable precessions. The ECE School of Thought can lead this paradigm shift, following calculations of the AIAS / UPITEC group. My initial calculations are always checked very carefully by Dr. Horst Eckardt and myself. That is why there is great international confidence in our work.


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