Discussion of 394(6a)

Agreed, there is already a lot of interest in UFT393. It is worth graphing the results for the magnetic dipole potential in the presence of the vacuum, using as many x terms as needed. The Dirac delta function enters into the contact term, and I think it is better to directly differentiate rather than use a singularity. I plan to do this next.

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 14/12/2017 09:43:00 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Re: 394(6a): Vacuum Corrections for the Magnetic Dipole Potential and Field

The vacuum corrections of the magnetic dipole field are the same as for the electric dipole because the mathematics is the same. So the graphics of UFT 393 apply. The contact term will give new aspects.


Am 13.12.2017 um 15:17 schrieb EMyrone:

These will lead to new structure as in previous work, and using Horst’s algorithm they can be worked out to any order in x. The next and final note for UFT394 will evaluate the vacuum correction for the contact term used in hyperfine spin spin splitting theory. Therefore the effect of the vacuum is observable in theory. The general postulate is introduced that in any equation of physics the effect of the vacuum is calculated by replacing r by r + delta r.

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