209(4): Time Evolution of the General Hyperbolic Star Spiral

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 25, 2012 7:16 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 209(4): Time Evolution of the General Hyperbolic Star Spiral

This note shows that the new equation of motion is the same for all spirals of the type:

r = r0 / theta power n

but that the torsion, linear velocity and angular velocity depend on n. Most generally the whirlpool galaxy may be made up of many hyperbolic spirals of different type, and may be made up of both clockwise and anticlockwise rotation. For various reasons the hyperbolic spiral is preferred to the Archimedes spiral on grounds of observation. The logarithmic spiral is ruled out by the fact that it gives no torsion. There are also double helix nebulae which require a Z axis component to be added to the spiral. Google “galaxy images from Hubble” to see double spirals such as Arp 274 and Stephan’s quintet.


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