Republishing with World Scientific

Richard Franklin,
Abramis Academic Publishing,

Dear Richard

This is to advise that I have plans to republish “Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory” and “The Evans Equations of Unified Field Theory” in my World Scientific Series, “Contemporary Chemical Physics”. As you know I own copyright on GCUFT and Lar owns copyright on EQ. However, as a matter of courtesy I feel that I must inform Abramis of these developments and ask whether you would have any requirements. I would be most grateful if you could forward the source files for the books. As you know, one volume of GXUFT was never published for fear of a defmation action by Hehl. The statute of limitations ofr defamation is one year, so Hehl can no longer take any action. he would not have in any case. There was no defamation, only normal scientific opinion and debate.

Cordially Yours,

Myron Evans

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