Minimum Estimates of my h and g factors

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:11 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Minimum Estimates of my h and g factors

These are at least h = 30 and g = 57, but in calculating these, I have not yet taken account of the 27 volumes of my World Scientific Series, “Contemporary Chemical Physics”, which have generated a total of 1892 citations. I made a manual calculation of the citations produced by my top 72 publications, this was 3466. So for a thousand publications that will go up to say about 4200 citations at a very conservative estimate. At a conservative estimate I have been cited therefore about six thousand times for my various roles as author, editor and series editor. All ECE papers to date are on google scholar, including the very latest LENR papers. Taking into account the World Scientific series my h index will go up to about 35 or 36, I will calculate the exact result tomorrow, and the g index up to about 65 or 70 at least. The top 1% of physicists are said to have 2073 citations. So that puts me in the top 0.1% or so. This is the simple minded way the system works, a life’s work of a serious scholar over forty years cannot be reduced to a number, especially with papers and books as strikingly original in thought as mine, covering such a wide area of chemistry and physics. All of this pales in comparison with the tremendous impact of ECE as revealed by my unique feedback data bank. I have the h and g that would normally lead to Fellowship of the Royal Society, big prizes and similar. However I am already a Civil List Pensioner nominated by the Royal Society, so for me an F. R. S. would be a pure formality. The ECE theory in particular is so sweepingly original that some people were bound to be freaked out into psychedelic fractionated dimension hyperspace. It looks as if that phase is over except for a few LSD addicts.

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