Preliminary version of UFT 410, section 3

Many thanks to Co President Gareth Evans for his comments. It is a little known fact that Barry John wrote a lot of physics in his classic "Instructions for the Fly Half". The torpedo pass from Gareth Edwards was developed from spacetime torsion.
Preliminary version of UFT 410, section 3
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

Thanks for checking. From the logarithmic scale of planteary radii in Fig. 2 it can be seen that there is a "hole" between the fourth and fifth planet. This may indicate that there originally was a planet that broke into pieces and is the origin of the asteroid belt. Some astronomers suppose this.


Am 19.07.2018 um 06:51 schrieb Myron Evans:

These are very interesting first results from the new universal law of precession, excellently written up by Horst Eckardt. I can find only one minor typo, the caption for Table 3 is the wrong one, accidentally taken from UFT406, but the table itself us correct, very important for astronomy, and full of interest. The caption should be something like "Table of omega, omega sub + and omega sub – ". The angular velocity of the universal law of precession changes sign between the inner and outer planets, separated by an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter as pointed out by Horst, so the direction of spacetime torsion also changes sign between Mars and Jupiter. I was not aware of this asteroid belt when I wrote sections 1 and 2, but now that Horst has pointed it out in Section 3, it seems to be the obvious cause of the switch in sign in the angular velocity of the new universal law of precession. It is a new and original discovery in astronomy which was missed completely in the obsolete Einsteinian era because the most important feature of the solar system, spacetime torsion, was unknown to Einstein in 1915 and until ECE started in 2003, was never considered correctly.

Preliminary version of UFT 410, section 3

I preliminarily finished the section of the solar system. Hulse Taylor pulsar and S2 star will follow. Please check for consistency of the calculations and conclusions.


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