238(3): The Relativistic Orbital Equation

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Monday, February 18, 2013 7:47 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 238(3): The Relativistic Orbital Equation

This is Eq. (22), which is a very powerful and relatively simple equation giving the relativistic force law for any observable planar orbit. I suggest that co author Horst Eckardt may like to check the calculations of notes 238 to date, when he has time from a busy work schedule, and graph eq. (22) for various orbits: ellipse, precessing ellipse, spirals etc. I can proceed to derive relativistic equations for r as a function of time and theta as a function of time, and those can be animated with co authors Robert Cheshire and Horst Eckardt. This entirely original theory is generally covariant because it is part of ECE theory, a generally covariant unified field theory now accepted by the professions as a new physics. I suggest that the distinction between special and general relativity in orbital theory of this type be dropped, and that it be named simply as “relativistic”. It is a development of the Minkowski force equation which is the basis of the Lorentz force equation in covariant or tensor format. So this theory can be applied to electrodynamics as well as dynamics, a central feature of ECE theory.


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