UFT230: LENR, Important Results from Doug Lindstrom

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, October 12, 2012 4:55 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: UFT230: LENR, Important Results from Doug Lindstrom

In my opinion these are important results from co author Doug Lindstrom that show that quantum absorption of photons, phonons and plasmons play a key role in low energy nuclear reactions, increasing the transmission coefficient of quantum tunnelling up to 43% for n = 10. This theory can be greatly refined, but its essence is clear already. I will go on to develop the theory in further notes for UFT230.

In a message dated 12/10/2012 11:47:50 GMT Daylight Time, writes:


Here is the calculation for T assuming a phonon wavelength of 10^-10m.

If E= n hbar omega, then

n T
1 .071
3 .22
5 .32
10 .43

n could represent a higher energy state in the oxygen nucleus or a wavelength multiplier for the phonon (a phonon wavelength of 10^-9 m makes the transmission coefficient respectable.)

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 3:26 AM, <EMyrone> wrote:

OK agreed, will continue with notes for this paper today, looking at plasmons and phonons in terms of the ECE wave equation.

In a message dated 12/10/2012 07:56:54 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

Thanks, Doug, I see that we have a definition problem of the upper integration limit here. I suggest to set

E = hbar omega

and include it in the calculation as before. Then the upper limit should be unique for T(omega).

What is beta? I did not find a definition in the code (probably I looked not thorough enough


Verschickt: Fr, 12 Okt 2012 1:05 am
Betreff: Re: calculation of transmission coefficients for phonon energies

Here is a first go at 230(2).. There are four plots, the first shows the lower integration limit just under 1.2. The other three are for an upper integration limit of
eta = 10, 100, and 1000. The transmission coefficient is going to zero, the larger the upper integration limit. If I have made no errors, it seems that we need to have an E not equal to zero term in equation (16) if we want non-zero coefficients. I will check my calculations tomorrow, I a too tired now to find an error.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Doug Lindstrom

I will give it a try today.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 5:27 AM, Horst Eckardt <horsteck> wrote:


could you do a calculation of the transmission coefficient for the oxygen-carbon system with replacing mu by formula (18) of note 230(2) ?
V is the sum of Woods Saxon and Coulomb potential as before, theta is to be evaluated with E=0.
omega0 in (18) is to be replaced by omega0 + omega according to eq.(20). This gives a graph T(omega), starting with omega=0.


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