Artwork from the Precessing Ellipse and Logarithmic Spiral

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, August 11, 2011 6:53 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Artwork from the Precessing Ellipse and Logarithmic Spiral

A lot of art can be made from the precessing ellipse. One could also try the log spiral:

r = r0 exp (zeta theta)

where zeta is the pitch. For a very large pitch the outer arms are drawn out into a nearly straight line as observed in the Hubble space telescope. In a recent paper (UFT 190), the velocity curve of a spiral galaxy was explained with zeta goes to infinity as r goes to infinity. Einsteinian GR has no explanation at all, in fact fails completely to describe a whirlpool galaxy. The log spiral appears in shells and other natural phenomena. The so called “precision tests of the Schwarzschild metric” are complete nonsense. This can be shown very easily as in the following postings on this bog.

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