Mirror Image Pauli Matrices of the Fermion Equation

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:49 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Mirror Image Pauli Matrices of the Fermion Equation

These are used in the fermion equation. Their equivalent in Cartesian rep is explained as follows. The ordinary rep is i x j = k, k x i = j, j x k = i. Now apply a mirror in the ik plane to obtain the same rep again but with j replaced by – j in the three equations. These are known as cyclic permutations. The replacement of j by -j has the effect of making a mirror image Cartesian coordinate system, this is a chiral transformation, left hand out of right hand. Both reps are equally valid. The fermion equation is the most fundamental first order equation known to date. Its sigma sup 2 Pauli matrix is the opposite in sign to the sigma sup 2 Pauli matrix of the now obsolete Dirac equation. This is one of the many interesting mathematical properties of the fermion equation. All this also applies to the anti fermion equation, and many other particle equations based on the old Dirac equation, e.g. quark equations, electroweak equations and so on. A fermion type equation can also be derived for the strong field using the Gell-Mann matrices and SU(3) rep space instead of the Pauli matrices and SU(2) rep space. I have already done some work in that direction in UFT 135 and 136.


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