New Resonance Solutions

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, December 03, 2010 11:54 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: New Resonance Solutions

I will look in to new resonance structures in UFT 167, using the inhomogeneous field equations rather than the homogeneous ones. These are, for each a:

del D = rho; curl H – partial D / partial t = J

The displacement D and magnetic field strength H are related to E and B by

D = eps0 E + P ; B = mu0 (H + M)

and the E and B fields are related to the potentials A and rho with the spin connection included. There are therefore many possibilities for resonance. Choose an antisymmetry condition that allows resonance. Here J is electric current density, P is polarization, M is magnetization, eps0 and mu0 are the vacuum permittivity and permeability respectively. The inhomogeneous equations are obtained from the attached geometry, page two, second column. In the inhomogeneous approach there is no problem with the driving force, it is derived form the charge current density. Magnetic charge current density is perennially controversial. Finally the interaction of gravitation and electromagnetism is best approached through the quadratic term in the kinetic energy due to the minimal prescription applied to p. This was done in recent papers.


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