E Index of Elie Cartan

His E index is 47,600 = AB where A = 200 and B = 238, h index 57. He published about 200 papers and 38 books, and is generally considered as one of the greatest of mathematicians, specializing in Lie algebra. He inferred spinors in 1913 and with Maurer, the structure equations defining torsion and curvature in the early twenties. He is an obvious influence on the Einstein Cartan Evans unified field theory. Cartan’s differential geometry is very elegant, and very powerful, and ECE is based directly on it. All physics can be derived from Cartan geometry with the exception of indeterminacy, or uncertainty principle, refuted in UFT175. Apart from his influence on my work , I resonate with Cartan’s biography because he came from a very poor background similar to mine, the son of a blacksmith in the village of Dolomieu, where Ecole Elie Cartan is now situated. Due to the help of a school inspector Antoine Dubost, he was able to attend College de Nienne, then a Lycee in Grenoble and a Lycee in Paris. He attended the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris along with Henri Poincare and other brilliant students. He graduated in 1891 and met Sophus Lie in 1892. His doctoral work of 1892 – 1894 was funded by a prestigious bursary from the Peccot Foundation. He became professor at Nancy in 1903 and in 1909 built a house in his native villahe of Dolomieu in the Savoie alps, and often helped his father in the forge. He became a professor in Paris. He was very modest in character, so recognition was delayed until his mature years. I have worked a great deal with Cartan geometry and always find it perfectly logical and supremely elegant. Within its axioms it cannot be refuted, so ECE cannot be refuted mathematically. ECE can be refuted only by comparison with experimental data, and in twelve years no data have come near to refuting it. It is the first successful unified field theory, which is why it is read by tens of millions.

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