Some More Catastrophic Failures of EGR

These are chosen at random. For a more complete list see the attached and also chapter nine of “Principles of ECE, volume one” by Stephen Crothers. These refutations are now classics of physics and the standard modellers cannot reply. So to go on rolling out the old claims is pure fantasy, rejected immediately by the ECE School.

1) EGR suppresses torsion randomly by choosing a symmetric connection. This results in the famous UFT88. In UFT354 the inclusion of torsion is shown to change completely the EGR theory. UFT99 and the proofs show that the suppression of torsion means that curvature vanishes. EGR collapses entirely, and not for the first time.
2) EGR cannot describe the velocity curve of a whirlpool galaxy (“Principles of ECE, volume one” chapter eight). It fails completely. This failure has been covered up with dark matter. ECE2 describes the velocity curve and gives a simple explanation for the mass of the universe without use of dark matter, a fudge factor.
3) EGR orbital precession fails catastrophically when tested properly (UFT391). It results in m colliding with M. This is the well known method of testing to destruction.
4) The classic UFT150 – UFT155 show that the EGR theory of light deflection is riddled with errors and gross obscurities. So is the EGR theory of precession. In ECE2, light deflection is described exactly with great simplicity and elegance from the definition of relativistic velocity.
5) EGR cannot give retrograde precession, and has been quiely abandoned by the standard modellers themselves in S star systems orbiting the centre of the Milky Way. They have reverted in desperation to empiricism, whereas ECE2 describes the S stars straightforwardly.
6) It has been shown in the UFT series that Newtonian gravitation can give gravitational radiation on the classical non relativistic level. So the most recent cobbled up Nobel Prize for the “discovery” of gravitational radiation should have been given in 1665 to Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke. At that time Issac Barrow had just failed Issac Newton in geometry.
The most comical thing of all is that the entire world of physics knows about ECE2, but the obsolete standard modellers ignore it. That means certain historical oblivion – for them, not for ECE.


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