light and medium interaction question /Paper 442


yes, a constant m(r) is primarily assumed for photons travelling through vacuum. Near to massive stars, there is also vacuum but the function m(r) of the gravitational field impacts the m value of the photon in vacuum. If we assume that both values are additive, it comes out that for m(r)<0.4 (for the star) a photon can leave the vicinity of such a mass center. In teh calculation I have necglected changes in m(r) but it should reduce a bit at the point of closest approach, and the velocity should become a bit smaller due to the gravitational field.
Photons in matter are a different case. If we imagine that matter is a compaction of vacuum flow or aether, this impacts the propagation speed of photons. Their structure is modified by dense matter. In the quantum picture, it is assumed that verly slow photons are permanently absorbed and emitted from matter (i.e. the electronic hull).
There will be local changes in m(r) and gamma. If m_0 is changed is difficult to say. I suppose yes, because the spatial structure of photons is modified by the presence of matter. As we have argued in the paper, this has to do with the photonic rest mass. There are also similar cases known for electrons in solids, which then have an “effective mass”.


Am 29.06.2020 um 18:10 schrieb Russell Davis:


It is remarkable that the golden ratio appears in the derivation of light interaction with a gravitational mass.

In equation 47 of the paper, m(r) is assumed to be constant and leads to gamma = 1 for photons. Is this considered the case for the photons traveling through the vacuum of space, but not necessarily through material matter?

For example light passing through clear water or clear glass slows appreciably (on order of 2/3 of vacuum light speed), but the color of the light remains the same (i.e. the frequency is unchanged; excluding absorption frequency shift cases as described in ECE series of papers, and similar experiments by Santilli ). In such case, h-bar * omega is unchanged; from equation 51 of the paper, does gamma, phi, or m_0 increase to compensate for the slower photon speed to keep the equation left-hand-side (energy) constant?


P.S This is an interesting video with computer animations showing that the golden ratio is the “most irrational number” having utility for more efficient packing of flower seeds than other irrational numbers –

Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied by all who delight in them (Psalm 111:2).

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