UFT88 Read at Penn State

Penn State is ranked 60 in the world by ARWU, 75 by Times and 124 by Webometrics, so is a world ranking university with 95,973 students. I worked there as a Senior Visiting Academic when I was at Cornell. It was read as part of an extensive download of all UFT papers and essays, and a great deal of other material, by the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State. UFT88 was written in late 2007 and is a famous classic paper by now, often reported on in these early morning reports. It developed into the high impact ECE2 series UFT313-320, 322 – 337 to date, currently being read at the rate of 98,662 times a year. These papers completely refute the Einsteinian era in gravitational physics, and obviously, this great paradigm shift is being recognized worldwide. It is described by Professor Emeritus Alwyn van der Merwe, University of Denver, as the post Einsteinian paradigm shift. High quality scientometrics over nearly twelve years show that the paradigm shift is irreversible, so the teaching of Einsteinian general relativity is obsolete and should no longer be funded with the exception of history of science courses. Funding of experimental astronomy can be continued but the data have to be reinterpreted in terms of ECE2 and ECE. Hugely expensive experiments that set out to prove the “precision” of Einsteinian GR serve no purpose. EGR fails totally in whirlpool galaxies whereas ECE and ECE2 give plausible explanations. To ignore these facts is unscientific, and the general public should bring pressure to have such waste of money stopped. They are out in the open at the best places in the world.

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