438(1): Orbit Around a Pseudoinfinite Mass in m Theory

438(1): Orbit Around a Pseudoinfinite Mass in m Theory

This is a development of UFT419, the orbit equations of m theory being the richly structured Eqs. (7) and (8) which can produce any observable orbit. Note carefully that they are not based on the Einstein field equation. In the Newtonian limit they reduce to the well known equations (9) and (10), which give conic section orbits (11). It is shown that if the central mass becomes infinite in the Newtonian limit, the orbit shrinks to a point of infinite mass density, the half right latitude approaches zero, the eccentricity approach 1, and the orbital velocity approaches infinity. A photon of mass m is captured by the pseudoinfinite M, and can never escape, because its escape velocity (26) must be infinite. All the characteristics of this type of orbit can be graphed in various ways. The area around the infinite mass will look completely dark, because all the photons have been captured. These graphics will probably reproduce the object claimed by standard model propaganda to be a "dark hole". The use of the complete m theory will produce a large amount of other information. However Newtonian dynamics can explain the so called "dark hole" photograph. The use of Newtonian graphics will show that "black hole" theory can be explained almost completely without using event horizons. In fact this was Hawking’s last thoughts on the subject. So the computer graphics could illustrate what happens to a Newtonian orbit as the central mass approaches infinity. Animations would be even better. There are no "black holes" because they are inferred from an incorrect geometry, the 1902 second Bianchi identity. The correct second Bianchi identity is the JCE identity of UFT88 to UFT313. Crothers, Robitaille and many others including Einstein and Hawking have argued against black holes.


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