What is gravitation?

In this contibution we discuss principal questions of physics, for which no convincing solutions have been given so far. Besides mathematical theory, we borrow some ideas from Nicola Tesla and Tom Bearden.

Many people argue that a unified theory of physics should have an explanation on a physical level, on what gravity is and how it is related to electromagnetism. In ECE theory, we have limited ourselves so far to the description of effects, including coupling between gravitation and electromagnetism, withoutout making statements on the “real nature” of elementary forces of physics. However, the means are there now to tackle this foundational problem in detail. We have a vacuum theory (macroscopically and microscopically), a theory of potentials making up spacetime, a theory of fluid mechanics, fluid electrodynamics and fluid gravitation. There have even been estimations for upper limits of vacuum particles, assuming a discrete vacuum structure as Nicola Tesla did.

Putting all this together, we are able to theoretically verify a model of electromagnetism proposed by Tom Bearden. Electric fields are a transport phenomenen of aether strucutres. These structures consist of a special configuration built by aether particles. Since aether particles flow from one charged pole to another (in case of a dipole), there must be a mechanism for refilling the charges with aether particles. This refilling process works by “unstructured” aether particles, which are reconfigured in charged masses. The reflow of aether particles is necessary for conservation of aether mass-energy. This reflow makes up the gravitational field. Since matter is internally charged (atomic nuclei), There is always such a process. The aether reflow generates a pressure and velocity distribution in the aether. These are the gravitational pontenials, which give rise to the gravitational force fields (Newtonian gravitation and gravito-magnetic field). Because both, the electric and gravitational flow, are evoked by aether structures, they underly the same elementary mechanisms and therefore the same geometric equations. This is the reason why the ECE field equations are the same for gravitation and electromagnetism, with exception of different constants.

Tom Bearden was not able to descirbe his ideas by mathematical models. This is now possible by ECE theory. Ordinary electrodynamics is not sufficient. One needs to apply the ECE antisymmetry laws to show that an aether flow (vector potential) is connected even with a static electric field. The counterpart of the Coulomb law, Newton’s law, can be derived by equating the constants of both laws. Since the potentials describe a scalar-valued density function, the same law is valid for both flow directions of aether particles, that is the electric flow and the gravitational back-flow. As a consequence, it is also explained that central gravitational forces are always positive, while both signs are possible for central electrical forces.

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