Discussion of Note 363(1)

Thanks again! I will go through the protocol and make it into Note 363(2). It looks like a better approximation. The fundamental idea is that in the vacuum or aether:

r(t, r, theta) = r(t, r(t), theta(t))

In the classical dynamics of orbits (e.g. Marion and Thornton), r is a function only of time, r = r(t).

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 30/11/2016 11:24:00 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Re: 363(1): Orbital Precession due to a Fluid Vacuum or Aether

I checked the note and tried a different way of approximations for Omega. The eqs. (16,17) can be considered as two equations with two unknowns v[r,N], v[theta,N]. Then these Newtonian velocity components can be re-expressed by the fluid velocities v[r,P] and v[theta,P]. This is eq. o4 in the protocol.
Then several approximations can be made. Assuming Omega_101 = Omega _202 = 0 gives eqs. o6. These can be resolved for the spin connections: o7. Obviously the spin connections depend on the ratio of velocity components. Inserting the definitions shows that these depend on the radial components and their derivatives: o12. Inserting precessing orbits then gives the results o15. With the approximaiton


your result (34) follows with Omega_202=0.
Modifying this to


gives an x^2 in the approximation o17, perhaps a better approximation


Am 29.11.2016 um 14:42 schrieb EMyrone:

This note shows that orbital precession is due to the spin connections (34), which come from the assumption of a fluid vacuum or aether. So orbital precession in this theory is an effect of the aether, vacuum or spacetime within the framework of ECE2 unified field theory.


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