Daily Report 27/10/14

There were 2,921 hits (files downloaded) from 601 reading sessions or distinct visits during the day. Main spiders baidu, google, MSN and yahoo. UFT145 738, F3(Sp) 508, Auto1 397, Auto2 115, Book of Scientometrics 303, UFT88 86, Engineering Model 82, Englynion 82, CEFE 57. Llais 56, UFT273 51, Evans Equations 62 numerous Spanish, Principles of ECE 12 Auto Sonnets 12 to date in October 2014. University of Toronto UFT25; Physics Pontifical Catholic University of Chile UFT137(Sp); Physics RWTH Aachen Germany UFT239; University of California Berkeley UFT88; University of Denver Autobiography Volume One, Essay 7; Portland State University Oregon UFT166; University of Granada Spain UFT143; Polytechnic University of Cartagena Spain Simulation Circuit Resonance Parameters (Sp); French National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics UFT89; University of Poitiers general; French private address download of all UFT papers and essay broadcasts; Nevada Field Office United States Department of Energy UFT110; Guatemalan private address site download; University of Bergen Norway UFT157; National University of Singapore UFT214; University of Cambridge Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics UFT48, UFT141; University College London Essay 24. Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached for October 2014.

Usage Statistics for aias.us aias.us

Summary Period: October 2014 – URL
Generated 28-Oct-2014 12:01 EDT

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