Literature Search on the Gravitational Red Shift

A literature search has shown that the gravitational red shift is not due to the Einsteinian general relativity at all. It is due to the equivalence principle, and appears in the Newtonian theory, which gives v squared = 2MG / r in the inertial frame (direct free fall towards the earth’s surface). The result v squared = MG ( 2 / r – 1 / a) for an elliptical orbit is derived in a non inertial frame. The extra 1 / a is due to the rotation of the plane polar coordinates. The gravitational red shift in an orbit will include this 1 / a, and there will be extra corrections for a precessing orbit, involving x as in UFT264. So in note 265(1) I will derive the gravitational red shift in a very simple way, and develop it for the precessing elliptical orbit of x theory. So there is nothing left of general relativity that can be attributed to Einstein. All the careful precision work on astronomy however remains valid, within the experimental assumptions and limitations, and can be attributed to x theory. Things that used to be attributed to Einstein can now be attributed to x theory. Things that do not exist in nature, such as big bang and black holes, should be eliminated completely from future natural philosophy. All this should be viewed in the light of improving Einstein’s pioneering work by constructive criticism and years of scholarly study, mainly by Horst Eckardt, Douglas Lindstrom and myself, but with contributions from the entire AIAS group. As usual these notes are directed at enlightened, open minded Baconian scientists, not at dogmatists.

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