435(1): Experimental Deter you can find splittings where normination of m(r)

435(1): Experimental Deter you can find splittings where normination of m(r)

The Lamb shifts must emerge from Eq. (1), so must be described by both sides of Eq. (1) self consistently and must of course agree with experimental data. So the result from Eq. (6) of the note must also be produced by the right hand side of Eq. (1). This was the method referred to yesterday in your comment. For example 2P sub 1/2 is not Lamb shifted, so this is equivalent to m (r) = 1, but 2S sub 1/2 is Lamb shifted to a higher frequency, omega sub 1, where omega sub 1 / omega is given by Eq. (6). The expectation value E sub 1 from Eq. (4) must be the same as the expectation value <H sub 1>, worked out in a previous UFT paper. Another method is to solve Eqs. (3) and (4) simultaneously for m(r). I agree that the effect of the vacuum is always present, i.e. the mechanism for the Lamb shift is always present, but whether or not it manifests itself depends on the wavefunction.

435(1): Experimental Deter you can find splittings where normination of m(r)

For comments see my emil from yesterday. There was a table with equivalencing relativistic and non-relatovistic quantum numbers in one of the older papers dealing with spin orbit coupling, as far as I remember.
In experiment there are only the values including all effects available, you cannot switch off Lamb shift or s.o. coupling. However you can find splittings wher none are predicted by theory.

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