Archive for February, 2013

FOR POSTING : UFT237 Sections 1 and 2, and Background Notes

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:28 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: FOR POSTING : UFT237 Sections 1 and 2, and Background Notes

This is UFT237 Sections 1 and 2 and its complementary notes. The latter contain material not written out in the paper in order to keep the latter to a reasonable length. As usual the notes should be read with the paper by the specialist and serious scholar. For the non specialist and general reader the paper is a convenient summary. It will be followed by essay 80 for the general public. A good undergraduate should be able to understand this paper thoroughly. Its original insights are given in the abstract as usual. Of course each UFT paper is original, and gives new physics.











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Completed Theory of the Hyperbolic Spiral Kinematics

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:30 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Completed Theory of the Hyperbolic Spiral Kinematics

Many thanks indeed. I attach a note that gives the completed theory. My advice is to base any animation on the attached mathematics and to work closely with Horst Eckardt on the problem. For example the dependence of r on time is given by eq. (11), and the dependence of theta on time by eq. (16). I suggest that Horst code this up and that you add your input to the coded graphics. We could then write a co authored paper on the resulting animation, yourself, Horst and myself. The constancy of v with infinite r is given by eq. (5) in a very simple way. Horst has already completed an animation of this problem (it is posted on and I suggest we build on that using these new and simple kinematics. These mathematics are a great help, otherwise one always has to start from the beginning using intuition, a very difficult process. As an example of an advanced animation generated by computer see the prize winning animation by Chris Pelkie and myself on on the IBM 3090 6J of Cornell Theory Center. Desktops have that power now. Eq. (11) for example shows that r increases with time linearly. Eq. (5) shows that as r becomes infinite v becomes the constant L / (mr sub 0). This is a simple and elegant explanation of the velocity curve using fundamental kinematics and not using Newton or Einstein.

In a message dated 16/02/2013 14:44:19 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Dear Myron,

I have now resumed graphical/artistic analysis of previous studies, again with focus on the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy and its Hyperbolic Spiral Development.

Please note: I have excluded any notably higher velocity emissions in this part of my studies.
m = any isolated mass emitted from the galactic core area and in hyperbolic spiral orbit as depicted by spiral arms and their extensions.
r = radial distance between M (the Galactic Core or central Mass) and centre of m.
T = Torsion
HS = hyperbolic spiral

In recreating the HS orbit path that best suits the visual data (spiral arm definition and evolution), several points have arisen as related below; bearing in mind that I am presently considering the spinning of Torsion from a fixed frame of reference with fixed x and y axes at present and, would isolate the HS development of m and particularly its orbital velocity in such minimal, fiixed coordinates.

1. After few trials so far, I have produced a decelerating orbital velocity of m which becomes almost constant at some point beyond the outer reaches of the galaxy (in the absence of any forces other than Galactic Torsion; i.e. no spin of m or other inertial forces applied). It may be, that in compliance with the almost straight but never 0 degrees of arc aspect of the HS, the velocity at which m reaches a value of r that is just outside the visible realms of the imagery used, my assumption being that other spacetime systems will begin to affect m after T has faded to some distant r value.
In short, the velocity of m is, or becomes to all intents and purposes, constant after and at whatever value it had on leaving the outer bounds of the galaxy.

I have constructed a constant orbital velocity, acting from the galactic core to its outer bounds, which has given rise to my questioning of what the velocity type should actually be.

The constant velocity scenario would appear to defy the torsion in so far as its Hyperbolic development sends m out into the torsion “field” and progressively outward where, as r logarithmically increases so the torsional orbit velocity decreases, which would result in m travelling faster than its surrounding or “carrier” torsion “field”. That is, m would still be travelling at the speed it left the core area where torsion would not.

Stressing again that I am analysing what would be the motion of just the Torsion alone and treating m almost as flotsam in a liquid analogy of minimal parameters.

2. If the orbital velocity of m were constant, and if the galactic or core Torsional, rotational velocity diminished radially, then a would-be constant velocity of m would still decelerate as r increases; that is, given that torsion is inceptually “carrying” m at emission point from the core, then a constant velocity would have to appear as an addition to the torsional, rotational velocity that although decrementing outwardly (with increasing r), if added to an inherent constant velocity of m in isolation, will still produce a deceleration of m down to any velocity it was given at inception and in addition to torsion. This would not make m follow the general spiral trend in my opinion.

The question this raises in my mind is that to acheive a truly constant velocity, other incrementing forces must be at work where at least one force is incrementally gaining velocity or momentum to counter the deceleration of the torsional field. Are there known forces (in this area) that give increasing velocity after an otherwise peak?
Thus far and unschooled, I have concluded that all velocities must be decelerating as r value increases, up to the point where torsion is reduced to acting minimally – as m and T evolve into the straightest, almost imperceptible arc part of the Hyperbolic Spiral evolution.

3. Am I correct to assume that one suitable, single Hyperbolic Spiral may be used and that it may be scaled up or down, or “fractalised” so that variations in the velocity of m (having been acted upon by explosive emission say) may be reflected by such reduced scale replicas of just the one HS? That the scaling of just one HS can describe all spiral galaxies? I have experimented with this and believe that one HS can describe a range of velocities when scaled up or down, that is if scaled small enough the HS can appear as a straight line with a slightly bending blob at one end and could look like a “sunray”; Other scalings closer to the general spiral of the M51 spiral arms, reflect collision debris orbits being “picked up” from slower velocity to the “average” velocity of the most prominent, visible developments.

I would much appreciate any comments or further guidance,

Best regards,




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Daily Report 11/2/13

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Monday, February 11, 2013 11:23 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report 11/2/13

There were 2139 hits from 494 distinct visits, 29.1% spiders from AHrefs, baidu, google and MSN. CEFE42, FPL26, LMEP(Sp)15, BI7. University of Quebec Trois Rivieres UFT236, OO230, OO313, OO345; Humboldt University Berlin extensive; George Mason University general; Physics Rutgers UFT4; University of Iowa UFT110; University of Nebraska Lincoln UFT149; University of Granada, Spain F5(Sp); University of Valencia Essay14(Sp); University of Poitiers general; University College Dublin Ireland UFT158; Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Proof1, Lund Technical University Sweden UFT46; Mateja Bela University Slovakia UFT81; University College Oxford UFT143; Cyngor Penfro – Penfro County Council proxy learning and library UFT103. Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached.

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Daily Report Sunday 10/2/13

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Sunday, February 10, 2013 11:11 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report Sunday 10/2/13

There were 2331 hits from 521 distinct visits, 33.9% spiders from AHRefs, google, MSN and yandex. CEFE39, FPL26, LMEP(Sp)15, BI7. University of Chicago UFT95; University of Michigan UFT4; Physics University of Pennsylvania UFT33; Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre F1(Sp); United States Archives general; Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached.

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Centripetal Force

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 09, 2013 7:22 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Centripetal Force

This is the inwardly directed force defined in the frame fixed on the sun, the observer or laboratory frame:

F (centripetal) = m omega x (omega x r) = – m r omega squared e sub r

that is the same for all planar orbits. This force is real and results from the rotation of axes. In an elliptical orbit it is cancelled by an equal and opposite term in the laboratory frame coming from the inertial part of the acceleration, leaving one inward directed force that looks to be inversely proportional to r squared but which contains the half right latitude of the ellipse. There is an equal and opposite outward centrifugal force which is

F (centrifugal) = – m omega x (omega x r) = m r omega squared e sub r

and experienced in a frame moving with the object. In order to experience the centrifugal force you have to go around a corner in a car, and move with the car (upon which the moving frame is fixed). In the static frame (frame fixed on the sun for example) the centripetal force is experienced, and is directed towards the sun.

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237(6) : Frenet Analysis of All Planar Orbits

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, February 08, 2013 8:11 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 237(6) : Frenet Analysis of All Planar Orbits

This note gives the complete classical Frenet analysis of all planar orbits and identifies the inertial, centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations in terms of the Frenet formulae. The analysis defines the Frenet curvature of all planar orbits as

rho = v / omega

and for all planar orbits the Frenet torsion vanishes. These are not to be confused with the Cartan curvature and torsion.


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Daily Report 8/2/13

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, February 09, 2013 12:16 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report 8/2/13

There were 2165 hits from 566 distinct visits, 28.5% spiders from AHrefs, baidu, google, MSN and yandex. CEFE39, FPL25, LMEP(Sp)13. red Deer Catholic Regional Schools Alberta Canada HSJ; European Centre for Nuclear Research general; Swiss Federal Institute Zurich UFT88; University of Oldenburg overview; Bioinformatics Research Centre Aarhus University Denmark UFT152; Engineering State University of New York Buffalo UFT81; California State University Long Beach UFT81; State University of New York Geneseo Summary by GJE; Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics University of California Santa Barbara UFT88; University of Texas UFT150B; Center for Materials Research Washington State University UFT171; University of Barcelona Felker5(Sp); Joseph Fourier University Grenoble UFT140, UFT143; University of Poitiers publications; Alaska Regional Headquarters U. S. Weather Service UFT235; Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 2D; University of Durham UFT25; University of Exeter UFT228; Physics Imperial College London UFT37. Intense interest all sectors. Updated usage file attached for February 2013.

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Daily Report 30/1/13

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:33 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report 30/1/13

There were 2258 hits from 542 distinct visits, 32.3% spiders from baidu, google, MSN and yandex. CEFE85, CEFEL84, BI25, LMEP(Sp)17, LMEP15. University of Quebec Trois Rivieres general; Northrop Grumman Corporation ECE popular, space energy, levitron, essay59, essay50. Siemens Company ECE Article German; California Institute of Technology UFT126, UFT214; Massachusetts Institute of Technology rebuttal of ‘t Hooft by Gareth Evans; Stanford University UFT170; University of Chicago Light Deflection by Gravitation; Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics University of California Santa Barbara UFT235; University of Maryland UFT25; University of Valencia Spain UFT166(Sp); Ecole Publique d’Ingenieurs Rouen France UFT4; University of Poitiers general; India Railway UFT43; Indian Institute of Mathematical Sciences UFT15, UFT88, UFT112, UFT102; Physics Leiden University UFT42; United States National Archives general; University of Malakand Pakistan UFT54; Mateja Bela University Slovakia UFT25, UFT81; York University Essay27, UFT57. Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached.

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236(3): Some results for acceleration

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:49 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 236(3): Some results for acceleration

This is very interesting as usual! This equation is in fact the same as the lagrangian result, Marion and Thornton, third edition, equation (7.21). I will prove that today and it can be checked by computer. This is a nice result that shows that the entire kinematic analysis is self consistent from beginning to end. When v is parallel to r the object m falls directly into M and there is no spin connection. When v is not parallel to r it is in an orbit and as soon as v is not parallel to r there is a spin connection and an angular momentum. If a stone is dropped it falls with v parallel to r, but if thrown sideways starts with v perpendicular to r and if it does not have sufficient velocity, falls into a trajectory with v becoming parallel to r. If thrown fast enough it goes into orbit. A goal of this co authored paper, UFT236, should be to explain the velocity curve of a spiral galaxy, i.e v becomes constant with increasing r. Computer algebra is ideal for this. The angular momentum L, if defined in k, is parallel to the spin connection vector omega, which is also the angular velocity vector. Coriolis and centrifugal forces are of course real and measurable, and are due to the spin connection. This new analysis is fully and correctly relativistic with none of the errors of Einsteinian analysis. All orbits are due to the Cartan spin connection, which defines the Cartan torsion and curvature. Finally the Frenet analysis is a special case of the Cartan analysis. The Frenet frame is the Cartan tangent frame.

Sent: 30/01/2013 23:12:47 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Re: 236(3): Some results for acceleration

These are some results for the acceleration eq.(67). Could be checked with results of previous papers. One has to observe that the inverse function theta(r) has to be inserted into dr/dtheta in order to obtain the correct derivative
d/dr (dr/dtheta).
All results for the spirals contain the negative centrifugal term 1/r^3. For the hyperbolic spiral this comes out directly, which is identical to
omega x (omega x r),
indicating that spiral galaxies are dominated by the rotating frame alone. Newtonian attraction has completely disappeared.

I still have to check the equations of the note.


Am 30.01.2013 12:41, schrieb EMyrone

This note gives a clear and easily understandable review of the way in which the ellipse is derived from the inverse square law incorrectly attributed to Isaac Newton, and in fact inferred by Robert Hooke as in John Aubrey “Brief Lives” (an online classic of literature). Newton takes the credit for fluxions, and the first part of this note is his original method in modern vector notation (see “Vector Analysis Problem Solver”). It is checked that the Hooke / Newton equation (23) is the same as eq. (28), derived in recent papers from pure kinematics. It is shown very clearly that the Hooke Newton method is exactly what it was intended to be, a proof that a particular force law and equation of motion gives a ellipse. It does not explain why the ellipse exists, while ECE theory clearly explains the ellipse as the motion of axes, i.e. of space itself, with a spin connection now known to be the angular velocity of the axes. This is a correctly relativistic explanation given by a generally covariant unified field theory (ECE theory). The correctly relativistic equation of all planar orbits is eq. (64). It is shown finally that this reduces to Hooke Newton for an elliptical orbit, QED or quod erat demonstrandum. This is Latin for “that which was intended to show”. It would be very interesting to apply computer algebra now to find the acceleration for any orbit from eq. (67). This also replaces the Einstein theory of orbits and is a simple and powerful new equation. It is also shown why Hooke Newton is a very successful empirical description of space and aerospace dynamics. The reason is that it defines the ellipse in the form of E = T + V (eq. (75) of the attached note). In other words it just rewrites the ellipse in terms of E, T and V, with the concept of force defines as minus the derivative of potential energy with respect to r. It is very important to understand that the new eq. (67) applies to any planar orbit of any kind observable by astronomy, and it is correctly relativistic as well. Hooke Newton fails spectacularly outside the solar system, or vanishingly tiny corner of the universe.


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Galactic Rotation Curves

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, January 31, 2013 9:56 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Galactic Rotation Curves

Nice to hear from you! We have given a few explanations for rotation curves in the UFT papers, but lately I have been thinking more deeply about Hooke / Newton dynamics and a lot of things have clarified. I should think that a clear explanation will emerge soon.

In a message dated 31/01/2013 16:30:08 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Myron – it will be most exciting if you can use your new force laws to explain the rotation curves of actual galaxies. There is a mass of data on galactic rotation curves on the web Here’s one link for starters – just scroll down to the data section.
Best Regards Norman Page.

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