Hello Dave

Is it possible to repair the files mentioned by Michael Jackson? I get the message “our site has changed”. In the meantime two of the refutations can be repaired as follows:

1) “A Response to Papers by Hehl and Obukhov” developed into UFT89, so UFT89 can be placed there as well as in the UFT section.
2) “Refutation of Jadczyk …..” developed into UFT90, which can be placed there as well as the UFT section.

I may have the other refutations in my notes folders here and if I find them will send them across. I clearly remember discussing the refutations with Horst Eckardt, who also rebutted Bruhn. The latter is generally seen as a fraudster, and Horst and I caught him out several times. Horst told me that he used to follow people around to lectures. He has published almost nothing, so hsi h index is far too low for him to be appointed to any job.. I have no idea how such a man can be appointed as full professor. Apparently he collapsed in 2007 and 2008 from nervous exhaustion. I recall that his paper in Physica Scripta was concerned with Lorentz covariance. This is rebutted in a few words through the fact that ECE is a generally covariant unified field theory and is automatically Lorentz covariant. I remember that there were two pdf files rebutting this paper by Bruhn. ‘t Hooft has been completely ignored, in that all the papers he tried to censor are now classics. Furthermore, UFT311 has verified ECE exactly. If Michael is still worried then he could try to post something such as this on wikipedia, but the latter has no credibility among scholars because it censors work it does not like. That is very well known. Rodrigues produces incomprehensible abstraction, and he has also quietened down. Of course I have read the junk on wikipedia, in Rodrigues’s case there was a vicious diatribe, but very liitle on Cartan geometry. Lakhtakia knows nothing at all about Cartan geometry. Hehl did not answer UFT89 and I have not heard anything from him in about a decade. One cannot get away any longer with off the cuff dismissals of ECE and ECE2. Unless people have not been reading anything at all, they will know about UFT311, all the UFT papers, and books. So Michael may try to post the above remarks on wikipedia. There was a big fight beteeen wikipedia and myself which I finally won. They removed some vicious defamation. After that I forgot about wikipedia and got on with some work.

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