E Index of Jean-Pierre Vigier

This is 26,214, A = 87.38, B = 300, h = 32. This compares with my E = 213,235, A = 130.18, B = 1638, h = 39 plus the well known site scientometrics. These numbers, however, give little idea of the eminence of the late and great Jean-Pierre Vigier, who obtained his Ph. D. in mathematics from Geneva in 1946 while a member of the French general staff. He was a member of the Legion d’Honneur and a recipient of the de Gaulle Medaille de Resistance. He was cpatured by the Vichy police in the Spring of 1942 and sent for interrogation by Klaus Barbie in Lyon for carrying coded documents. He escaped after the train was bombed by the British in the spring of 1945. I do not knew whether thid was a deliberate bombing to allow Vigier to escape, or an accident. He was wounded in the regular French army in 1945. He worked for a short time with Frederic Joliot-Curie but was dismissed for refusing to work on the French atomic bomb. In 1948 he was hired by Louis de Broglie, who had been marginalized by the Copenhagen or standard physics esatblishment. they also marginalized Einstein and all who opposed them. So much for reasoned argument. Vigier remained de Broglie’s assistant from 1948 to 1973. Vigier was a lifelong supporter of communism, although he considerably diluted his views after the atrocities of Stalin became known. The U. S. Government refused him entry to work with Einstein, because he was at the time a member of the French Communist Party. Vigier was a prominent statesman and supported LENR in a 1996 Physics Letters publication. His most cited paper is a famous one with Bohm, and the second most cited item is “The Enigmatic Photon” with myself. I wrote the volumes while Vigier, who was in his eighties, gave encouragement. Vigier established the link between photon mass and B(3) in 1993, and probably nominated me for a Nobel Prize, or encouraged others to do so. He tried to get me a job in the French CNRS in 1995 and publicly denounced UNCC from the Vigier One platform. he was a well known French political figure. I organized the first Vigier Symposium in 1995 with Stanley Jeffers. In the post war era Vigier worked for peace in Europe, as I did by the establishment of the EMLG. In his youth Vigier was influenced by the Spanish Republicans and the International Brigade.

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