Archive for November, 2012


Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:34 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: UFT225

Many thanks, this is excellent typesetting. There are only six minor typo’s left:

1) Eq. (2) W sub mu sup 1 – i W sub mu sup 2 in the top right of the matrix; W sub mu sup 1 + i W sub mu sup 2 in the bottom left of the matrix.
2) Eq. (4) partial sub mu in front of the first column vector.
3) Eq. (19) misplaced + sign.
4) Eq. (21), sup + on LHS.
5) Eq. (23), – sign .
6) Eq. (50) missing g = 0.

When these remaining typo’s are fixed this typeset version can replace the current UFT225 on can can be sent to CERN as originally intended. It refutes the GWS sector of the CERN claim about a “Higgs boson”. The U(1) sector has already been refuted in many ways. Ryder has failed to reply to these criticisms, which have been checked by computer algebra.

Sent: 22/11/2012 11:06:29 GMT Standard Time
Subj: RE: UFT225

Here it is,



Subject: UFT225

hello Victor:

These are the corrections sent on 20th August for UFT225. The new typesetter should fix these typo’s. Thanks in anticipation.


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Graphs from Note 232(1)

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, November 16, 2012 11:22 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Graphs from Note 232(1)

The graph of eq. (10) using the full range of A and B can be drawn and compared with the graph of eq. (2) over the full range of x. This alone is sufficient to finish of the Einstein theory without having to integrate eq. (9). Using the full range of x produced the petal and conic section orbits whose existence had never been suspected. Eq. (10) is an approximation that will never give the true eq. (2).

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Some Remarks on the Perihelion Precession

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:42 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Some Remarks on the Perihelion Precession

The manifest defects of the Einstein theory will become apparent only if the A and B parameters are varied through their entire range. Then it will depart completely from the correct result given by the x parameter of the precessing and fractal conical sections. It is clear once more that Einstein forced a result out of his theory. Marion’s and Thornton’s analysis is very special pleading, and should be rejected as plain wrong. No scientist of any integrity has any problem in accepting the various refutations of the AIAS group. They are so simple and easy to follow. This is particularly true of note 232(1), where experience makes things ever clearer. The work on data gathering is still valid, we need a new theory and UFT200 to about UFT223 provide the beginnings of that theory.

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232(1): EGR Does not Produce a Precessing Ellipse

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Friday, November 16, 2012 4:56 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 232(1): EGR Does not Produce a Precessing Ellipse

This is another simple definitive refutation of EGR. The correct precessing ellipse, Eq. (2), gives the differential equation (8), while EGR gives the completely different equation (9). The “magical” methods used to approximate eq. (9) are discussed. The approximation (Marion and Thornton) gives eq. (10). The computer can be used to graph this equation for all A and B, to show that it is totally different from the correct equation (2). By magic the second two terms of eq. (10) are just dropped, giving eq. (12). This can again be graphed for all A and B to show that never gives eq. (2), even after magic has been applied. Finally the magical equation (12) is approximated further to give eq. (2) when AB is very small. It is difficult to believe that such rubbish has been accepted for nearly a century, especially as Schwarzschild showed it to be wrong in December 1915.


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Plans for UFT232

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:58 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Plans for UFT232

I plan to do some more analytical work on the fact that Einstein’s general relativity (EGR) does not give a precessing ellipse, and it would be optimal if co authors Horst Eckardt and Douglas Lindstrom could integrate the relevant equation of motion numerically to machine precision over the full range of the parameters of the equation. This is Eq. (7.76) of the attached, quite a simple job for a contemporary desktop. A very complicated orbit will result, obviously not a precessing ellipse at all. It is well known from a textbook such as Marion and Thornton that the Einstein theory does not give a precessing ellipse, but it is forced to give a precessing ellipse with a series of approximations. These start with the second trial function (7.79) of the attached, already very dubious. It is easy to show that the true force law of a precessing ellipse is not that of EGR. This is done by working back from the analytical equation of a precessing ellipse to the force law, very simple. This is one of the many conclusive refutations by the AIAS group published in

Journal of Foundations of Physics and Chemistry (

About 80% of standard physics is very well known off the famous site to be either erroneous or obsolete, and no one is going to accept a Nobel Prize for the Higgs boson. They will be politically forced to accept it or be sacked, effectively, but in their minds will not accept it. In Dec. 1915 Schwarzschild showed that the original calculation of the precessing ellipse by Einstein (Nov. 1915) was wrong. By now, many others have also shown that it is wrong. So those “precision tests” may or may not produce useful data, but these data can never prove an obviously erroneous theory.


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Daily Report 15/11/12

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:33 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report 15/11/12

There were 2934 hits from 576 distinct visits, 44.4% spiders from baidu, googe, MSN and yandex. CEFE40, CEFEL23, FPL17, LMEP9. Valle University Colombia UFT88; Siemens Company Note2; Applied Dynamics University of Erlangen Essay44; Physics and Astronomy University of Frankfurt UFT122; Library University of North Texas UFT41; Spanish Government (Xunta) F3(Sp); University of Nice Essay 44; University of Paris Diderot UFT199; University of Poitiers general; Materials Science Patras University Greece general; Pohang University of Science and Technology Korea UFT175; Prince George’s County Public Schools Maryland UFT150B; Bristol University UFT157 (Sp); University of Cambridge UFT1, UFT43; Glasgow University UFT114; St. John’s College Oxford UFT88; University of Reading UFT177. Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached for November 2012, showing intense and steady international interest in all items on

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Invited Book Chapter for the Physics Layman

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 15, 2012 12:09 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Invited Book Chapter for the Physics Layman

Glad you liked it! I would be very pleased to draft this up and offer it to Victor Riecansky as a journal article. It would be sufficiently different from the invited one (attached) that no copyright trouble would arise. Stephen Crothers is welcome to add a summary of his work to the attached. He is best placed to do it, then he will be a co author. Similarly for other AIAS Fellows interested in summarizing their own contributions in their own words. In the popular version I would try to bring across the work to the intelligent readership. The experimentalists have done very well in proving LENR, that is well worthy of all the big prizes for them.

In a message dated 15/11/2012 04:18:48 GMT Standard Time writes:

Dear Myron,
I am writing this as the layman I am and as such having read through your book chapter several times, each time more and more awed by the enormity of the achievements made to date. It took this summary overview for me as a layman to really ‘get it’! Congratulations to all involved! I only wish I could pass this on to every other physics layman like myself on the planet. However, even better would be a version edited for this purpose (and perhaps with a little more about Stephen Crothers’ contributions), and in a language more suitable for such an audience. In any case, I assume that the original is under publisher embargo.

Kind regards,
Axel Westrenius

On 12/11/2012, at 9:41 PM, EMyrone wrote:

This is the first draft of the invited book chapter, reviewing UFT101 to UFT230. It is pencilled in as Evans, Eckardt and Lindstrom plus AIAS author group. Any comments or input from the group are welcome. We have almost a year in which to prepare it (to November 1st 2013). By that time it is probable that another twenty or thirty papers will have been produced if all goes well. Since this is based on an extension of UFT200 I request permission from Victor Riecansky to extend it for the invited book review, which marks the fact that ECE has been accepted worldwide as mainstream physics. The abstract submitted a few months ago has been accepted and rated very good to excellent in all respects. AIAS Fellows are welcome to add to this document in a discussion, outlining perhaps the general impact of ECE and the incredibly shaky basics of the standard model. For example Horst Eckardt, Douglas Lindstrom, Stephen Crothers, Gareth Evans, Robert Cheshire, Franklin Amador, Kerry Pendergast, Ray Delaforce and others.



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Daily Report 14/11/12

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:37 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Daily Report 14/11/12

There were 2436 hits from 617 distinct visits, each of n real visits, 39.8% spiders from baidu, google, yandex, MSN and sistrix. CEFE39, CEFE21, FPL16, LMEP8. National University of La Plata Argentina F3(Sp); Brazilian National Centre for Nuclear Research Rio de Janeiro F2(Sp); Sao Carlos School of Engineering University of Sao Paolo Brazil Edyn3; European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), Rebuttal of ‘t Hooft; Mayor University Santiago Chile F3(Sp); Technical University Colombia F3(Sp); Motorola UFT38; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague Phys. Scripta; Reutlingen University UFT43; Brigham Young University Utah UFT4; California State University Fullerton UFT229; Texas A and M University UFT149; University of California Davis UFT176; University of California Los Angeles UFT126; Spanish Ministry of Defence F3(Sp); University of Valencia F4(Sp); Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon UFT58; French National Synchrotron Facility UFT81; University of Strasbourg UFT81; University of Poitiers general; U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs UFT25; New University of Ireland Galway Essay 26; Physics University of Padua Errors in the Einstein Field Equation; National Autonomous University of Mexico F3(Sp); University of Malaysia Sarawak Essay 32; Region of Kaluga Russian Federation UFT150-B; University of Cambridge, A Catastrophe for Cosmology, Neglect of Torsion; Physics University of Manchester UFT158; Physics University College London UFT175. Intense interest all sectors, updated usage file attached for November 2012.

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Finishing Off EGR

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 15, 2012 11:40 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Finishing Off EGR

I would like to ask Horst Eckardt and Douglas Lindstrom to numerically integrate eq. (7.76) of the attached to show that the orbit is not a precessing ellipse. It would be optimal to graph the results through the whole range of alpha and delta. Maybe Ray Delaforce would like to help in the graphics. This is how we discovered the petal and fractal orbits, using the correct force law of a precessing ellipse. The EGR force law is incorrect. I think that a thorough numerical and graphical study to machine precision would finally finish off EGR. Horst Eckardt has already done a preliminary study which shows that the actual EGR orbit is very complicated and not a precessing ellipse at all. Marion and Thornotn in the attached force the incorrect equation to give a particular result by using a whole series of approximations. The numerical method would aim to get rid of the approximations and give a precise result to machine precision.


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FOR POSTING : LENR, UFT231 Sections 1 – 3 and Background Notes

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Thursday, November 15, 2012 5:56 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: FOR POSTING : LENR, UFT231 Sections 1 – 3 and Background Notes

This is UFT231, Sections 1 – 3 on a new theory of the Cartan tetrad and applications to low energy nuclear reactions with energy from spacetime. Section 4 is pencilled in as a computation of the transmission coefficient of LENR with a quantum tunnelling mechanism combined with energy from spacetime.









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