290(3) : Refutation of the Rayleigh Jeans Desnity of States

This is a straightforward refutation of the Rayleigh Jeans density of states and therefore of the claim that the Stefan Boltzmann law is derived from the Planck distribution, a cornerstone of quantum theory. The correct density of states is the sum of terms (19) involving single, double and triple integrals. Probably these will have to be worked out with a numerical integrator but Maxima may be able to evaluate them. The source of this error is the arbitrary neglect of the second and third terms in Eq. (12), the second and third order infinitesimal terms. There is no reason to assume that the second and third terms in Eq. (19) are smaller than the first term, the usual term from the Rayleigh Jeans density of states. This looks like another very loud howler, so the whole theory disintegrates. This claim of mine in this note can now be checked by computer and by hand by co author Horst Eckardt when he returns from holidays. The other AIAS Fellows and Professors are requested to look over this note carefully to see if they can find any errors of concept or algebra. If AIAS is agreed on this note, then the claims of precise experimental verification of the Stefan Boltzmann law (10) cannot be true. This is an exact parallel to the collapse of the Einstein field equation. Claims to its precise experimental verification cannot be true – the Einstein theory is geometrically incorrect and collapses completely when tested experimentally in galaxies. This has been known for almost fifty years. So standard physics is in danger of being dismissed by the general public as a meaningless cover up. That would be a pity because there is a lot of good physics. The tiny minority of dogmatists that still rejects ECE does the subject much harm.


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