Comparison of UFT 113 and UFT 186

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, June 18, 2011 4:12 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Comparison of UFT 113 and UFT 186

The same result is obtained as UFT 113, eq. (27):

F = m c squared T

where F is force and T is spacetime torsion in barebones notation with all indices removed. UFT 113 eq. (53) gives the relation between torque and torsion. So the driving torques used in UFT 183 and 184 are due ultimately to spacetime torsion. However, UFT 113 still accepted the received opinion that the connection be symmetric. It was realized in UFT 122 ff. that the connection is antisymmetric. UFT 186 sets the clock back to 1900 and starts again, improving a great deal the entire output of the twentieth century in general relativity. Knowing the torsion gives the torque and the angular momentum, and in several UFT papers the whirlpool galactic dynamics are explained straightforwardly with torsion without use of a dark matter that has never been observed.

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