Orbit of Photon is a Hyperbola

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:12 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Orbit of Photon is a Hyperbola

The photon mass of ten power minus fifty seven kilograms means that it has a very large eccentricity, which I will give in UFT202, and so the orbit is a hyperbola, and not closed. This is exactly what the data indicate, the light from a distant star is deflected very slightly by the sun, 1.75 arc seconds. The precessing hyperbola is

r = alpha / ( 1 + epsilon cos (x theta)), epsilon > 1

and the static hyperbola is given by x = 1, epsilon > 1. The existence of photon mass very clearly refutes the entire particle physics theory of the standard model as shown in UFT158 ff. It is well known that CERN ignores the numerous honest refutations of its work by many authors, so CERN should not be funded. It seems that the politicians know this, but are tied into CERN contractually.

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