Important Graphical Refutation

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 4:58 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Important Graphical Refutation

This is also an important graphical refutation of EGR which can go into UFT217. These new refutations are very simple to see and are based on direct observation, i.e. it is observed that the elliptical orbit is precessing, and that for x about unity the precession is given by:

r = alpha / (1 + epsilon cos (x theta))

So how is it possible for a theory as wildly wrong as EGR to give “precise” results? If people want to continue to be dogmatic they can, but not at the expense of the tax payer. The force law given by EGR is also completely wrong, it is a sum of inverse square plus inverse fourth power. How is it possible for EGR to come up with a “precise” value for light deflection when it basics are incorrect? One can forget about big bang and black hole theory if one wants to be a scientist. All this is a prime example of Langmuir’s pathological science – often repeated dogma. When the elegant and powerful eighteenth century methods are used, EGR disintegrates.


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