Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

Thanks for this check, as you know equation (31) contains many terms, in direct analogy with the semi classical theory of the interaction of the electron with an electromagnetic field developed in many UFT papers. Eq. (31) is the semi classical interaction of the proton with the strong field. The pion momentum k is analogous to eA where A is the vector potential. Eq (33) is the proton term, and is the first of many terms to be considered. The pion terms are due to be considered at a later stage. Eq. (33) already produces energy levels, and these are different masses through the traditional mass energy equivalence used in the old physics, m = E / c squared. This is modified in m theory to m = E /(m(r) half c squared). So the term (33) already produces several masses, in particle physics mass is usually measured in electron volts, i.e. in terms of energy. In a collider in which a proton collides with a neutron, these masses or energies would be products of the collision. Similar reasoning holds for low energy nuclear reactions between a proton and a neutron. As you know, Dirac considered the interaction of an electron with a magnetic field represented by the classical vector potential. This procedure produces the g factor of the electron, spin orbit interaction theory, and electron spin resonance, the Darwin term and higher order terms. To consider the interaction of an electron with another electron, the process is mediated by a classical, radiated electromagnetic field, radiated from the transmitter, and arriving at the receiver. The semi classical theory of this note can be considered to describe the classical electromagnetic field interacting with the receiver modelled as a Dirac electron. In quantum field theory the electromagnetic field is also quantized into photons, so the interaction between two electrons is mediated by a photon. In the old physics the photon was a virtual photon, but in m theory it is a real photon. So p can be interpreted as the electron and q the photon momentum. Total energy and momentum are conserved. The transmitter loses photon momentum q, and the receiver gains photon momentum q. So p1 + p2 = p3 +p4, where p3 = p1 – k, p4 = p2 + k. The same equation applies to the interaction between proton and neutron mediated by the m force, which quantizes to the pions. There are three pions with three different energy levels. The general theory of this process was first developed in UFT248 with Doug Lindstrom. So that paper can be generalized to m theory and dealt with any number of products of collision or low energy nuclear interaction. It becomes clear that teh semi classical theory can describe any products of an atom smasher or LENR. In the first instance consider the free particle Schroedinger quantization and apply m theory to it and extra energy levels appear as you showed in the Lamb shift calculation with m theory.

Pion and Particle Masses from the m Theory

In eq.(33) the contributions of bold k have been neglected. How can this equation then relate to the pion? It seems to relate to the neutron or proton. Eq. (35) is the same as we have already used for the Lamb shift.


Am 26.02.2019 um 08:07 schrieb Myron Evans:

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