FAPP c Property of the Poincare / de Broglie / Vigier Photon

Fully agreed, CERN’s motivation is always to ask for more billions. I was always told by a place like UC Swansea that it had never had money, and that I had to cover computing costs myself (Auto Two). I fought them to a standstill on that one until they finally admitted that computing was covered by the College after all. I was reprimanded for using too much postage in attempting to send out preprint requests. They suddenly spent £104,000 on an early notebook by Dylan Thomas. Admittedly Thomas wrote some good stuff, later in his life, but could not afford the price of a stamp. This notebook covers “Altarwise by Owl Light”, which I have unravelled on this blog. It is deliberately dense and ultra ultra obscure, and the young Thomas was playing around with his readers. Only in his later years does he become a good poet, for example “Over Sir John’s Hill”. I have asked people in Swansea whether they have read anything by Dylan Thomas, and the answer is almost always “no”. In the same way CERN is producing incredible obscurity at vast expense to al of us, while they pay no taxes themselves. So not very good stuff. The difference is that CERN is very well paid, Thomas was almost always as poor as it is possible to be. With this kind of society, who needs chaos?

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 31/03/2015 13:42:23 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: The Rest Mass of the Photon

Same here, I do not understand why they are not asking some of these simple and basic questions themselves. They seem to have created an unreal world where obstacles encountered are “fixed” by introducing more adjustable parameters and more abstraction.

Then again, we have only just started realising some of these things ourselves. There is more clarity with each new advance thanks to you and Horst. Out of the mist a little more of our world emerges.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

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