Research Breakthrough

This is indeed an important paper, “importance” can be measured with objectivity with the scientometrics. Popularity is not always a good indicator, but more often than not it is. readership is orders of magnitude more immediate and meaninglul than citations. The dialogues and discussions that accompany each note are of equal importance, because the clarify basic concepts. Rotational dynamics is a complicated subject and discussions and graphics help clarify the concepts. The gyroscope dynamics are exceedingly intricate and are clarified by the computer. To resolve the latest discussion I am very curious to see what happens when Eqs. (17) to (22) are solved simultaneously. If the results are reasonable then the concepts are reasonable. If the results are meaningless or ill behaved in some way then the concepts need to be simplified. this is all part of the methodology being followed worldwide by a huge readership.

Sent: 25/02/2017 09:26:44 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Re: FOR POSTING: Section 3 of paper 369

Many thanks for your eulogising comments. The method of numerical solution of the complete set of gyro equations is indeed very powerfull and applicable for cases I never thougth of.


Am 25.02.2017 um 10:18 schrieb EMyrone:

These results are full of interest and will attract a large readership. I can see that through the scientometrics. These graphics and analyses are clearly thought out as usual, and the results are interpreted so that the readership will be able to understand them without ploughing through the maths if they want to concentrate on engineering essentials. The results also show the great power of the Maxima code, controlled by the skill and experience of co author Dr Horst Eckardt. A huge amount of new information comes out of a problem that up to a few week ago was only vaguely understood, half understood and misinterpreted. Having understood the problem at last, all kinds of engineering solutions become possible, so we can engineer new kinds of railway systems for example with reduced drag. In the aerospace industry these results can eb used to enginner new kinds of mechanism that will allow aircraft to lift off, helping the wings lift the plane. These mechanisms can also be used in vehicles of all kinds to reduce drag. This is an outstanding section. It shows what can be done with the elegant mathematics of the eighteenth century enlightenment. A large number of possibilities has suddenly emerged.

Sent: 24/02/2017 19:02:41 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Section 3 of paper 369

I finished section 3 of paper 369. I gave several examples for gyro
motion, including application of an external torque. I could not verify
the Shipov experiment (lifting a spinning top by a torque in Z
direction). This seems to be an effect of different origin, maybe a
fluid dynamics effect of spacetime, although it is astonishing that it
is of macroscopic order.


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