Discussion of 356(4), Part Two

I have noted down the result of the computer algebra and will use it in the paper, UFT356. It would be very interesting to graph it. Section 3 is pencilled in as usual for the graphics and computation. I can confirm that it is the radial component of Kambe’s vector potential, which is v, so it is not the Kambe scalar potential and not therefore expected to be a Coulomb scalar potential. As you know this is an entirely original result of fluid electrodynamics, and is not present at all in standard electrodynamics. As you suggested, E is inducing a hitherto unknown velocity field in the surrounding spacetime or aether. Such a concept does not exist in standard electrodynamics.

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 29/08/2016 16:26:38 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Discussion 356(4): Spacetime Velocity Field Induced by a Static Electric Field

The radial operator nabla_r in spherical coordinates is simply

nabla_r v_r = partial / partial r v_r,

you obviously used the term from the divergence in eq. (4). After my calculation, I am obtaining a simpler result for (v*grad)v. I used the scalar product

v_theta, v_phi] * [nabla_r, nabla_theta, nabla_phi]

with the original gradient operator of spherical coordinates. This then gives the result v_r ~ sqrt(1/r) for the potential.
Inserting the terms of the div operator gives the following result v_r for a potential having only an r component, i.e. v_r(r), v_theta=0, v_phi=0:

This has two terms of order r and 1/r. Unfortunately the integration constant %c is not in front of the r term so that this result is not the Coulomb potential. Details see in the attachment, see also the calculation for note 356(5).


Am 29.08.2016 um 09:22 schrieb EMyrone:

The expression for the divergence in spherical polar coordinates is the same from this Harvard site and VAPS, so that is a useful check. so Eqs. (1) to (8) of the note have been checked as correct. This means that Eqs. (9) to (15) of the note are correct. The protocol also seems to be correct.

To: EMyrone
Sent: 28/08/2016 20:44:22 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: 356(4): Spacetime Velocity Field Induced by a Static Electric Field

The divergence and gradient terms in spherical coordinates are different, see

The (v*grad) v term then reads for two arbitrary vector functions a and b:
(a*grad) b =

The diff. eqs. with full angular dependenced are o11-o13 in the protocol. For pure r dependence, the results are o15-o17.
This gives constant solutions for v[theta] and v[phi]. These will only be different from zero if a constant background potential is considered, for example an overlay of constant aether flow.
The solution for component v[r] is o20/o21. For %c=0, this is of type 1/sqrt(r), not of 1/r as expected. This needs to be clarified.


Am 27.08.2016 um 12:55 schrieb EMyrone:

In spherical polar coordinates this is found by solving Eqs. (13) to (15) simultaneously. In general, the velocity field has a very interesting structure in three dimensions. The simultaneous numerical solution of Eqs. (13) to (15) also gives the spacetime velocity field set up by a static gravitational field g (the acceleration due to gravity). This entirely original type of velocity field exists in a spacetime defined as a fluid. The spacetime can also be called an “aether”, or “vacuum”. Any boundary conditions can be used. A magnetic and gravitomagnetic field also set up aether velocity fields.


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