192(3) : Einsteinian GR never produces a precessing elliptical orbit

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:37 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: 192(3) : Einsteinian GR never produces a precessing elliptical orbit

This is a greatly simplified and strengthened proof that for a spherical spacetime, Einsteinian general relativity (m(r) =? 1 – r0 / r) gives a precessing ellipse if an d only if Eq. (7) is true. The correct m(r) for a precessing ellipse is Eq. (8), which is not the function 1 – r0 / r, misattributed to Schwarzschild. In a letter of 22nd Dec. 1915 to Einstein, the latter was severely and correctly critical of Einstein’s claims of Nov. 22nd 1915 about precessing orbits. Einstein was just plain incorrect. The proof in this note is so simple that it cannot be refuted and so Einsteinian GR with the “Schwarzschild metric” is meaningless, as are all those “precision tests” of a theory that is totally wrong. Using ECE theory we have started to work on a correct GR which is briefly described in pages 2 ff. of this note. Computer algebra can now be used to compare eq. (8), (10), and the completely incorrect

m(r) = 1 – r0 /r

This is the simplest and best method that can be used now in UFT 192. After this, anyone who adheres to Einsteinian GR is not a scientist. ECE theory offers a completely new approach to cosmology. So now Horst can check my simple calculations of this note with computer algebra and we can proceed from there. Those hyperexpensive satellite trips are still very useful sources of data, but for a totally new theory. Why wasn’t this seen before? I don’t know. My guess is that it must have been sen before and covered up as usual. “Is everything we know about standard cosmology totally wrong” as the BBC asked recently? Totally right. My advice is stop reading wiki in favour of ECE and J. Found. Phys. Chem.


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