Discussion Part Two of 319(2)

In order to derive Eq. (35) use Eq. (34) to find that:

g = (8 c omega sub 0 / m) p

This note is the first step towards a new theory of gravitation, sketched out in 319(3).

To: EMyrone@aol.com
Sent: 29/06/2015 13:53:54 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Discussion of 319(2)

Many thanks, the only open question for me is how you derived (35) from (28,29). How did you replace g to obtain p? We have

g bold = partial p bold / partial t
del * g bold = partial (del * p bold) / partial t

but this is not the LHS of (35).

Am 28.06.2015 um 07:37 schrieb EMyrone:

Agreed that Eq. (1) is based on antisymmetry. This note introduces the minimal prescription (4) – (6) so U symbolizes energy in general. There are new concepts in the note which will be used later in the development of ECE2 theory to give all the results currently attributed to Einsteinian general relativity. The three cases are just examples or limits of the general theory, Eq. (7). It can be seen that eq. (7) is more general than the Newtonian

g = – del phi

so Eq. (7) can describe non Newtonian effects such as light bending, anomalous precession, and the velocity curve of a whirlpool galaxy. Eq. (8) is the condition under which Eq. (7) can be reduced to the format of the Newtonian theory, the equation above. This results in Eq. (11). The Newtonian limit is equivalent to. (12) and (13). The quantum theory is introduced and it leads to the anticommutator equation (27). The familiar Newtonian equation F = mg is developed in to Eq. (34) and the spin connection and tetrad in the Newtonian limit defined by Eqs. (38) and (39). The equations (16) and (17) are derived as you describe and agreed that there should be a factor 2 on the right hand side of Eqs. (14) and (15), To derive Eq. (25) use Eq. (8) and (24). Eq. (25) is an operator equation and takes the format of Eq. (26). In Ryder’s “Quantum Field Theory” the method is sketched of deriving the Pauli exclusion principle from the anticommutator in quantum field theory. The whole of the development of this note can be used for electrodynamics. Agreed about eq. (31). It is more general than an Euler Bernoullli equation and del p occurs in fluid dynamics and aerodynamics. In Eqs. (35) and (36) p is changed into omega using eq. (23), and 2i h bar cancels out either side. This leads to the derivation of the tetrad and spin connection in the Newtonian limit, Eqs. (38) and (39). Agreed about Eq (43). This entire set of equations can also be used in electrodynamics and for the nuclear weak and strong fields. So counter gravitation in this theory is given by:

U omega bold > – c omega sub 0 p bold

This is a very simple condition.

To: EMyrone
Sent: 27/06/2015 17:29:31 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Re: 319(2): New Gravitational Results from ECE2 Theory

I have a lot of questions concerning this note:
The beginning of this note is a bit confusing for me. You consider 3 cases of g, potentials and spin connections:
– ECE2
– ECE2 with antisymmetry conditions
– Newtonian case

It would be easier to understand if you used different symbols for each case, for example U, U_ant, U_Newton etc. You did this partially with the phi potential.

Is the second equality sign in eq. 1 correct? I assume you mean g with antisymm. conditions, then it is. To change p in to omega use eq. (23) and 2i h bar cancels either side. Agreed about Eq. (43).

The approaches (14,15) seem to require an additional factor of 2, a typo.

Where do eqs. 16-17 come from? Obviously you insert (14,15) into (12,13). Then (16,17) hold for the Newtonian limit.

How exactly did you derive eq.(25)?
The connection to quantum physics is interesting.

Eq.(31) reminds to fluid dynamics. Q seems to be interpretable as a velocity potential and has indeed physical dimensions of m/s.

Eqs.(35,36): How did you change g into p and omega?

Eq.(43): should it read:
– U omega > c omega_0 p ?

Am 27.06.2015 um 15:14 schrieb EMyrone:

This note uses the antisymmetry eq. (1) of ECE2 to find several new equations of ECE2 gravitation. The Newtonian limit of ECE2 is well defined by Eqs. (8), (12) and (13). These equations lead to a new anticommutator equation of quantum gravity, Eq. (27) in the Newtonian limit. This equation becomes non Newtonian if its right hand side is non zero. This is interesting because in quantum field theory the anticommutator is the origin of the Pauli exclusion principle. The famous force is mass times acceleration of the Newtonian limit is extended in ECE2 to Eq. (34). The spin conenction vector and the tetrad vector of the Newtonian limit of ECE2 are given by Eqs. (38) and (39). Non Newtonian effects of ECE2 are described by Eqs. (40) and (41), zero ECE2 gravitation by Eq. (42) and repulsive ECE2 counter gravitation by Eq. (43). These results are much simpler and more powerful than UFT318, which should be regarded as a transitional paper to UFT319. We now have a clear idea of how to engineer counter gravitation. Great progress has been made from the early attempts of ten or eleven years ago.

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