A Curb on Cult Science

Many thanks to Axel Westrenius. There should be much stricter control over cult science, and I think that this control will assert itself automatically as the next Great Depression starts to bite. As long as they are not funded publicly they can do what they like, but the amount of money they waste is intolerable. In Europe we are beginning to see groups organize effective legal actions against wind turbines in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, on the basis of the Aarhus Convention of the United Nations – lack of democratic accountability. So such class actions can be brought against CERN on the same basis, that very small groups of people fed themselves vast amounts of money. They used to do this on Wall Street, a clique of wealthy investors would buy and drive up a stock, then dump it making huge profits. This led to the Great Depression, fuelled by margin investment and so on. The key problem is that the dogmatists feed themselves money without any effective ministerial control, they fuel the media frenzy by inventing garbage ideas. An extra level of control is needed to stop this profligate waste of money and use it for the good of humankind. The Nobel Prize Committee should not award a Prize for the Higgs boson, it has been refuted in papers such as UFT225 and in many other ways. If a Nobel Prize is awarded for crass rubbish, it will severely damage science and permanently alienate the great majority of scientists. This has already happened in the case of the Milner Prize. Three million dollars were awarded to Hawking for total rubbish, big bang, dismissed by figures such as Einstein and Hoyle as a joke. The fact that Hawking accepted this prize means that he is no longer regarded by many as a scientist. Hawking always refused to debate me by having a secretary say that he was infinitely busy by automated e mail. His secretary is probably a Dalek. Exterminate, exterminate all geometry.

In a message dated 30/08/2013 04:42:26 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

Dear Myron,

Last night, we, the Hoi Polloi, were served up this very generous dose of academic smugness. We were of course expected to feel satisfied that our tax dollars are very well spent. A pittance for CERN and the LHC.

The mind boggles at the thought of an infinite number of universes and an infinite number of Larry Krausses.

I thought you might like the entertainment.

Kind regards,


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