406(4): Criticisms of Standard Model Precession Theory

This note summarizes some severe criticisms of standard precession theory and brings into question the very existence of Einsteinian, geodetic and Lense Thirring precessions. The only thing that can ever be observed in astronomy is their sum. So I propose abandoning the ideas of the standard model and to express all precessions in terms of vacuum fluctuations as in Eq. (19). It is worth drawing up a table for all the planets, a table that gives the separate contributions (20) to (22) and their sum. This sum is always greater than the Einsteinian component. The standard model of planetary precession ignores the geodetic and Lense Thirring contributions of the standard model itself and attributes everything to the Einsteinian component. There are so many fallacies and basic errors in the Einstein theory that it should be abandoned completely in favour of ECE theory.


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