398(5): Calculation of higher order

As can be seen, the theory gives reasonable results, and is based on Eq. (21), which gives an accurate description of the Lamb shift by summing over vacuum modes. Bethe’s calculation used quantum electrodynamics, which the ECE School of Thought rejects as a "dippy theory" in Feynman’s own words or an ugly theory" in Dirac’s words. Ryder sums up QED as follows "There is a feeling that there must be a better way of doing things", or similar ("Quantum Field Theory"). Accuracy in QED is obtained only by adjusting parameters, it is not magically hyperaccurate. These are given names like "virtual particles" (unobservables), dimensional regularization, renormalization and so on. In QCD things get dippier and stickier, and completely obscure and hyper complicated. The opposite of Ockham’s Razor. In a non dippy theory the infinities cannot be removed by magic. The higher order corrections in this theory depend on the radiation volume V. In a nuclear theory V can get to be very small, meaning that the higher order terms may dominate.


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