Parity Violating Zeeman Effect in Diatomic Molecules

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 11:06 PM
Author: metric345
Subject: Parity Violating Zeeman Effect in Diatomic Molecules

These effects are routinely observed, for example by the deMille group in at Yale, thus confirming one aspect of the new electroweak theory beginning to be developed now. I have received no objections to the fact that the GWS electroweak theory contains fundamental errors and so must be discarded. There will also be parity violating ESR, NMR and so on. In general the standard model proponents have been unable to answer any of the recent refutations by AIAS. Trolling the internet is a pathetic admission of total intellectual failure. Perhaps this is why students are so reluctant to take up physics. Natural philosophy ought to be the study of nature and in itself is an interesting subject, but expending billions on something that does not exist is not anything at all. The criminal activities of internet trolls of standard physics have put off young minds for ever, so the students are effectively telling them that they are not scientists. Standard physics is also a terribly obscure, ultra specialist subject, while ECE physics is far simpler and clearer, being based on a well known geometry and being constantly checked and cross checked with computer algebra. The refereeing system of standard physics has failed, it did not pick up numerous errors that AIAS has uncovered.

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