Note 408(4): Relativistic ECE2 Gravitation and the Thomas Half

Note 408(4): Relativistic ECE2 Gravitation and the Thomas Half

This paper develops a new ECE2 covariant theory of gravitation based on the ECE2 hamiltonian and produces orbital precession from Eq. (23), the relativistic hamiltonian, because only the Newtonian hamiltonian (24) gives a closed ellipse as is well known. The Thomas half is ubiquitous throughout ECE2 generally covariant unified field theory. In EGR, gravitation in the de Sitter theory has the effect of replacing it by Eq. (25). This produces all kinds of unphysical and incorrect results of EGR, for example Eq. (28). This note shows that there are many more of these absurdities of Einsteinian general relativity.. This is an example of the usefulness of the Thomas precession in criticizing EGR. In the positive and creative mode of thinking, the Thomas half can be used to introduce new concepts into ECE2, and suggest new experiments. For example its experimental measurement is a new test of time dilatation as in Eq. (21). The Thomas half is also ubiquitous throughout electromagnetism, and wherever gamma occurs, the Thomas half occurs. So experimental measurement of the Thomas half should produce many interesting new tests of theory.


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