415(5): Double Cross Check with the Lagrangian Method.

Many thanks, an excellent result!
415(5): Double Cross Check with the Lagrangian Method.

Many thanks, an excellent result!

415(5): Double Cross Check with the Lagrangian Method.
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

I completed the caclulation of equations by Maxima. The Lagrangian is eq. (i13) of the protocol with the gamma factor (i10):

The evaluation of Lagrange equations produces term of dm(r)/dt which I removed by hand. Then the equations of motion can be brought into the final form (o32, o33):


These equations can be compared with the Lagrangian result without m(r) function:


This is the simplest notation of relativistic motion in plane polar coordinates. It can be seen that for m(r)=1 this solution (**) is the limit of (*).
Solution (**) passes into the Newtonian solution for gamma–>1, c–> inf.
For paper 413 I will show that solution (**) is the same as for cartesian coordinates:

which we obtained earlier. So all variants of this theory should be consistent.


Am 22.09.2018 um 15:19 schrieb Myron Evans:

415(5): Double Cross Check with the Lagrangian Method.

This note double cross checks the fundamental kinematic method of Note 415(4) and derives the relativistic Newton equation in m space, Eq. (14), in which the Lorentz factor is defined by Eq. (15). Solving Eqs. (5) and (14) simultaneously gives the orbit in m space. Here m(r) is defined by the ECE m(r) function up to a characteristic distance R of the universe, and the spin connection can be used as an input parameter. In the next and final Note for UFT415 the spin connection will be derived analytically using frame rotation theory in m space. Therefore ECE and ECE2 are powerful and mature theories with several well developed techniques that can be applied to any problem in classical or quantum physics. They cannot be refuted theoretically without refuting the one hundred year old Cartan geometry. They can always be refuted experimentally of course, but then we change the theory, still keeping the Cartan geometry and objectivism intact.This is Baconian and objectivist philosophy, eliminating anthropomorphism of any kind. Energy from spacetime and LENR are defined by the spin connection. It seems that domestic LENR devices will soon be available commercially, so I look forward to buying one. Industrial and military LENR devices have been available for some years. The problem has been that LENR is too wildly successful, it produces a huge amount of heat at a fraction of the cost of conventional power plants, and so this has caused design problems, melting apparatus and so on. LENR was discovered in the University of Utah. There was a huge amount of bother kicked up by the Luddites of standard physics, but soon they will be warming themselves by a LENR heater. Energy from spacetime promises to bring energy to all the poorest countries of the world. Millions die of starvation every year while millions are spent uselessly on an obsolete standard model of physics. "Let them eat cake" (wrongly attributed to Marie Antoinette, but we all know what happened shortly later in France).


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