Some Comments on UFT 158 to 160

It has been shown that the fundamentals of twentieth century physics are severely incorrect on the classical level. Special relativity is severely incompatible with Planck / Einstein /de Broglie quantum theory. This problem requires for its solution a new physics, a physics such as ECE, because the standard model cannot address it. For many years the standard model has put physics off course through the use of multidimensional string theory, and elaborate renormalization procedures in quantum electrodynamics. The old physics is so elaborate that it cannot be tested at all. We have just shown that it can be refuted with its own basic equations and using nothing else. None of the standard ideas will address the failure of the de Broglie Einstein theory to describe the Compton effect. The theory has failed for both the photon and the electron, so will fail for all other elementary particles. In addition, it is now well known that U(1), the mainstay of CERN and all that, is not the sector symmetry of electrodynamics, and it is also known that the Einstein field equation has failed through the neglect of torsion. The physics establishment is being heavily criticised at present for covering up failures such as this, so the establishment no longer exists because it no longer serves physics. It is well known that in addition to cover ups it has tried to censor new ideas such as ECE, a theory that has been accepted to great implicit acclaim worldwide.

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