430(3): The First Classical Theory of the Casimir Effect, the Attractive Force from m Space

430(3): The First Classical Theory of the Casimir Effect, the Attractive Force from m Space

The attractive Casimir force is described classically by Eq. (28). The Casimir force has been observed experimentally with great precision, and is indeed attractive. It is neither electromagnetic nor gravitational, it is an entirely new force on the classical level, Eq. (28) of this note. In a space with the property (31) the force is amplified to infinity. So the f(r) function of Eq. (29) is used to describe the Casimir force classically by adjusting m(r) and dm(r) / dr. Given m(r), dm(r) / dr is found automatically by simple differentiation. So there is only one parameter, m(r). Similarly in the Debye theory of dielectric relaxation there is only one parameter, the Debye relaxation time. Initially I started out with a hybrid theory which still used the n mode wave function from quantum electrodynamics, but found the much simpler classical theory of Eq. (28). Similarly the van der Waals force is a force that is neither electromagnetic nor gravitational and there is also an m theory of the van der Waals force, or any phenomenon in physics: unified, classical and quantum, and also also nuclear and particle physics. By studying the dubious and very obscure regularization procedure in the standard model Casimir force theory, I found a clue towards a new particle physics from m theory, because elementary particles are vacuum excitations. It is already known that the particle masses are given by the ECE wave equation of early work. The new m theory of the Casimir force does not have any infinities, so regularization and renormalization are eliminated completely, a great advance in understanding. This is also true of the m theory of the Lamb shift (Note 430(1)). So m theory has many clear and major advantages over the completely obsolete standard model.


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