Geometrical Origin of D, P, H and M

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Saturday, December 04, 2010 6:15 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Geometrical Origin of D, P, H and M

This will be developed and discussed in the next note, which I will label 167(1). This note follows on from 165(9) and 165(10). The origin is found in the fact that the correctly antisymmetric connection has a Hodge dual, which is defined using the metric. So D, P, H, and M can be expressed in terms of a potential and spin connection. Finally conditions for resonance can be looked for while maintaining antisymmetry. If the error is perpetuated of arbitrary asserting a symmetric connection, then it can have no Hodge dual. The latter is defined only for an antisymmetric tensor. We have, in S.I. units:

E = (D – P) / eps0 ; B = mu0 (H + M)

so we can take the combinations D – P and H + M to be defined by geometry. Here D is displacement, P is polarization, H is magnetic field strength, M is magnetization, E is electric field strength and B is magnetic flux density. eps0 amd mu0 are the vacuum permittivity and permeability. There is plenty of scope here for spin connection resonance while maintaining antisymmetry.

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