Bikers on Gelliwastad Now

Feed: Dr. Myron Evans
Posted on: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 8:01 AM
Author: metric345
Subject: Bikers on Gelliwastad Now

To Sergeant Pritchard: Biker vandals are on Gelliwastad now, I heard them going up there. Your 999 is too slow to respond and ineffective, so I will go out after them and report back any observation. I was asked to e mail your unit. The Councils have failed to install any counter measures of any kind in many years. As usual the vandals drive on teh road (i.e. right past my house) without number plates, tax, and insurance and endanger the lives of the elderly and very young by multiple offences, ranging from driving without due care and attention to reckless driving to common assault to grievous bodily harm. They greatly damage the 100% protected ecology and all of this is without doubt the fault of the Councils, not the police. Beaufort does nothing at all to stop them, neither do politicians, so it is left up to me as a newly created Armiger, or Squire. If I had any powers I would take effective measures almost immediately – fencing, gating and surveillance, and arming the police with tazers, crushing and banning all the bikes, and long prison sentences with labour.

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